Hi 65058;
It seems like there may be other issues going on that may or may not be related to candida. I don't want to diagnose because I'm not a doctor, but I have put some links I believe that will be helpful to you. It could related to a bladder problem especially if it's comimg out of your urine. I would get it checked out. I don't know how long you have been on your diet but if you are struggling you may need to take things really slow or take a break from the diet and not feel guilty or, add some things like good supplements that may be beneficial to you while on the diet. Also you may want to take a Multiple vitamin too for daily absorption of vitamins.
Because this type of diet may really effect your metabolism and your mind. Fish oil is a good and is one of the good fats that is good to put back into your system. I have put a site here for you that will help you, it also helps with depression as well as other oils, they may help to balance your hormone levels in case your depression is related to that. And also taking a good probotic(see the post on probotics in this forum from yesterday) They have good one with over 2 billion CFU's that may help with your digestion. here are the sites: http://www.candidablog.com/how-to-kill-candida-infections.php It talks about different oils you can take at the bottom.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Benefits-of-Fish-Oil-for-Women&id=394663 just scroll down to the article.
http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/intro1.php This can help you wean into your diet.
I hope this helps.