i know how hard it can be at first, but don't distress! the first thing you need to do is go to the grocery store (some place like Whole Foods) and get some coconut oil. i have found that coconut oil greatly reduces the pain and it actually creates a little bit of a cooling effect. (don't be afraid to just use regular old ice as well.) but in the meantime, screw your doctors and their valtrex! let me tell you what works for me: i have been hsv positive for 5 months now and have had only one OB, my initial OB lasted about 5 days. although my symptoms weren't very bad, the initial shock drove me to become suicidal. after hours of research online i came across information on a substance called BHT. (i won't get into it too much because i don't want to come off as one of the preachy, fake people on here that claim to have a cure-all for everything, but do some research for yourself about it.) i started taking 1000mg everyday for 2 months and gradually lowered my dose to 350mg every 4 to 5 days. it's extremely comfortable to take with no side effects and i have had absolutely no physical symptoms of the virus since i started taking it. (not to mention that a year supply is like 15 bucks) if you have any more questions for me or you just need someone to talk to, please don't hesitate to write me back. stay strong, there is a light at the end of the tunnel!