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Why am I still SO sensitive to fats, caffeine, supplements, etc?
OmBass Views: 4,317
Published: 16 y

Why am I still SO sensitive to fats, caffeine, supplements, etc?

Hi folks,
So in the last 6 weeks, I have done 3 flushes. One every 2 weeks. First was mainly gall gravel and bile, but the last two were very successful. 250+ stones, many darker/harder ones. I have pics!

And with all these flushes, i have felt better afterwards for a few days. But then shortly after that, all the symptoms return. So for a couple months now, i have dealt with very bad nausea, indigestion, depression, anxiety, tightness/bloating, etc = all stemming from abdomen/liver area.

I know its the liver/gallbladder, as I am familiar with these symptoms. And honestly, i have beaten them before via flushing. So what's the deal? Is my liver just still overloaded toxin wise?

Why am I still just SO sensitive to fats, caffeine, supplements, etc? By fats I mean nuts, cheeses, etc. And by caffeine i mean anything, even green tea (which i have drank for years w/no problems). I ate 4 macadamia nuts the other night, not even thinking, and just felt so awful afterwards. Same with a tiny bit of cheese, etc.

Basically i feel like i didn't do a flush at all. Essentially the flushes are not having the dramatic effect they have had in the past. I can't seem to "bounce back" so to speak.

At this point, i ordered a Colema board and am going to start to do colonics at home in order to detox. I also just got all the herb tinctures from SensibleHealth. What else can I do?

Does anyone know why i am still feeling so bad? Still so sensitive to fats, caffeine, etc? Its been 2 months of this and I'm just losing my mind! Not sure what to do anymore.

Thank you!


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