It's a good thing your odor is not fecal. But your relative should go to the doctor if he has had this smell for over a year because it could be a digestive or intestinal issue. And if he smokes the smoking can very much contribute to it because of the toxins fromthe smoke. Mold can cause problems in the body but I'm not sure about body odors. I wouldn't continue with the peroxide because although they say you can use it internally it may do some damage to your insides. I will use my blender until I get a juicer because I can make it watery, you may want to include some digestive enzymes as well. I know you are taking probotics but are you keeping them in the fridge? With probotics that's something you may want tocontinue because it helps your digestive flora. I have included a couple of links you may be interested in. Did you guys ever get rid of the mold?