Re: Smelly Scalp
Yes I have been going through with
Body Odor problems and mine is actually fecal too. I had been taking things like activated charcoal, and Mitamins (which they do have an advanced formula strictly for fecal odors) I am also taking probotics like lactobacillus acidolphillis and B-Complex but now I know that B-Complex has yeast in it I'm gonna have to find one that doesn't have yeast in it or just go with B12 like I have in the past. Since I've been researching things lately for Candida I will start taking things for that. And grapefruit extract is on my lists because I've been staying away from meat but I have been addicted to sweets in the past and when I'm watching a good movie on Friday night I always like a nice bag of PoppyCott (I could be spelling it wrong)but it's a mixture of different nuts and candy corn.But
Sugar attracts yeast so I have to find some better snacks. I was taking grapeseed extract, but I thought I was taking grapefruit seed there is a difference.
Anyway I realized If I'm studying to be a nurse I'd better start taking better care of my body. I realized was using too much
Colon Cleanse because I was taking colon caplets about 8 a day, (which is not good)But because I have TMAU symptoms they recommend using a laxative to get the choline out of the body. And it was making my stomach too sensitive to things. So I'm gonna do what some of the others have been doing like jucing veggies and mixing it with juice from fruits too. But I thought I had TMAU symptoms because I have an intolerance to many foods. But I will start taking grapefruit seed extract along with diestive enzymes and probotics and the mitamins, because right now my focus is on curing my digestive flora. They may even have grapefruit seed shampoo.