Acne / Skin Eruptions: Low Vitamin A, low Vit B2, high/low Vit B5, low Vit B6, low Vit C, low Vit E, low manganese, low chromium, low magnesium, high lecithin, high choline, high biotin, high Vit B1, high Vit B15, low zinc, high zinc (high testosterone), high/low iron, high bromine, high iodine, high tin, high nickel, high simple sugar intake (incl. fructose), high fat / oil intake (incl. omega or fish oils), high acidophilus intake, high NAC intake, high bovine colostrum intake, low thymus. (Not all acne-prone individuals are equally sensitive to all of the above, so not everyone will experience acne or skin eruptions from every item).
Acetaminophen (Tylenol) overdose / liver damage: NAC, [opt: milk thistle].
Alopecia (hair loss): High/low protein, high/low zinc, high/low sodium, low iron, low Iodine, low EFAs, high Vitamin A, heavy metal toxicity.
Amenorrhea (failure to menstruate): Low iron, low manganese, low fat / body weight.
Anemia: Low Vitamin A, low Vit B1, low Vit B6, low Vit B12, low folate, low Vit C, low copper, low iron, low manganese, low phosphorus, high Vit B2, high Vit B15, high Vit E, high zinc, high calcium, high magnesium, low hydrochloric acid, heavy metal toxicity.
Aneurysm (aneurism): High/low Copper, high/low calcium, high chromium, high phosphorus, high sodium, low silicon / silica, low sulfur, low Vitamin C, high Vit E, low hesperidin, low rutin.
Angina: Low Vitamin E (left side), low Vit B15 (right side), low coenzyme Q10, low EFAs, high nickel, high cobalt.
Angular Stomatitis (cracks in the corner of the mouth): Low Vitamin B2, low zinc, high Vit A.
Anorexia (lack of appetite): Low Vitamin B6, low Vit B12, high/low folate, high/low Vit A, high/low Vit B3/4, low chloride, high/low iron, high/low zinc, high/low sodium, high/low phosphorus, low protein, low Vit C, low Vit B1, low iodine, high/low stomach acid, heavy metal toxicity.
Anosmia (poor sense of smell): Low zinc, low Vitamin A, heavy metal toxicity.
Anxiety: High/low calcium, high/low magnesium, high/low potassium, high iodine, high sodium, high nickel, high cobalt, high phosphorus, high Vitamin B1, high Vit B6, high Vit B12, low PABA, low Vit B2 low Vit B5, low B15, low coenzyme Q10, [opt. GABA, taurine, tryptophan (5-HTP), St. John's Wort].
Apathy (lack of interest in life): Low protein, low Vitamin B1, low Vit B12, high/low folate, low Vit C, low iron, low manganese, low sodium, low tin, low iodine, low phosphorus, low sulfur, high magnesium, high calcium, high copper.
Arrhythmia / Atrial Fibrillation (irregular heart beat): Low magnesium, low copper, low Vitamin E, low folate, low PABA, high iodine, high / low potassium, high/low calcium, high/low zinc, high/low sodium, low Co-Q10, low w3 EFAs, [spinal misalignment T4, T5, or T6], heavy metal toxicity, allergic reactions, viral infections, autoimmune diseases, intolerance to dental materials (incl. composites, gold alloys...).
Arthritis: High/low phosphorus, high/low calcium, high/low magnesium, high/low chromium, high/low copper, high/low molybdenum, high/low vanadium, high/low Vit B5, high/low stomach acid, low sulfur, low sodium, low Vit K, high iron, high selenium, high Vit A, [opt. EPA, turmeric, milk protein, ginger].
Aspirin / ASA overdose / damage: N-Glycylglycine + glycine, magnesium, Vitamin B5, potassium.
Asthma: Low iron, low manganese, low magnesium, low nickel, low tin, low folate, low Vitamin B1, low Vit B12, low Vit C, high/low Vit A, low Co-Q10, low EFAs, [opt: EPA], [spinal alignment problem at T3].
Bedwetting (Enuresis): High sodium, low magnesium, low calcium, high/low potassium.
Bladder Incontinence (non-structural): Low potassium.
Bladder Stones: Low cystine, low Vitamin A.
Bleeding Gums: Low Vitamin C, low bioflavonoids, high copper (see also "Bruising").
Blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids): Low chromium (left side), low copper (right side), low Vitamin A, low beta-carotene, low Vit B2, high iron.
Bronchitis: Low Vitamin A, low Vit C, low thymus, high dairy intake, [opt. oil of oregano, NAC].
Bruising: Low Vitamin K, low Vit C, low bioflavonoids, high/low iron, high/low manganese, high/low copper, high phosphorus, high silicon / silica, high germanium, low calcium, low potassium, high Vit E, high estrogen, viral / bacterial infections, [high alcohol / ginkgo / garlic / fish oil / oxalic acid intake].
Burning Feet: Low folate, low Vitamin B5, high/low sodium, high/low phosphorus.
Calcification of soft tissue: High Vitamin D, high calcium, high copper, low Vitamin K, low zinc, low manganese, low magnesium, low phosphorus, low Vitamin C, low hydrochloric acid.
Canker Sores: High phosphorus, low Vitamin A, low Vit B5, low beta-carotene, high acidic food or beverage intake, may need acidophilus.
Cardiovascular Disease (blockage of coronary arteries): Low Vitamin C, low Vit E, low sodium, low phosphorus, high/low magnesium, low protein, high copper, high calcium, high Vit B5, low Vit K, high (long-term) folic acid intake, low antioxidant intake, low EFAs, low fiber, high simple sugar intake.
Cardiovascular Disease (damage to artery walls): High C-reactive protein, high homocysteine, low Vitamin B6, low folic acid, low Vit B12, low methionine, low Vit C, low Vit K, low hesperidin, low rutin, high/low silica, high/low magnesium, high/low calcium, high/low copper, high/low germanium, high/low iron, high/low manganese, [viral / bacterial infections].
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS): Low magnesium, high/low calcium, low silicon (silica), low sulfur, low P5P (Vit B6), low Vit B2, low EFAs, [opt: cod liver oil, salmon oil, electro-therapy / acupuncture].
Cataracts: Low Vit C, low Vit E, low Vit A, low Vit B2, low lutein, high calcium, low manganese, low iron, low selenium, high tryptophan, high PUFAs, [cell / portable phone radiation, UV rays], [opt. ALA].
Cholesterol (high levels): Low manganese, low magnesium, low chromium, low sulfur, low PABA, low biotin, low Vitamin B3/4, high potassium, high Vit B1, high Vit B6. - High LDL: Low choline, low inositol, low lecithin, low Vitamin B3, low Vit E, low EFAs, low sodium, low silicon (silica), high Vit B5.
Cholesterol (low levels): Low potassium, low choline, high manganese, high magnesium, high sulfur, high Vitamin E, high PABA, high Vit B3/4.
Cold Hands and Feet: Low Vitamin E, low iron, low iodine, low Vit B6, high/low phosphorus, high/low
sodium, high/low calcium, high/low magnesium, high/low EFAs.
Congestive Heart Failure: Low coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), low calcium, low magnesium, low zinc, low potassium, low Vitamin B2, high sodium, high phosphorus [opt. hawthorn].
Conjunctivitis (irritated / inflamed eyes): High/low Vitamin A, low Vit B2, low copper (right side), low chromium (left side), low magnesium, low calcium, high iron, high manganese, high Vit C.
Constipation: Low magnesium, low sulfur, high calcium, high iron, low Vitamin C, high folate, low water intake, low fiber intake, heavy metal toxicity, [opt. psyllium husks].
Convulsions (seizures): Low Vitamin B6, low magnesium, low potassium, high/low sodium, heavy metal toxicity, low fat intake, [opt. bromine].
Crohn's disease / Colitis (or chronic diarrhea from viral / bacterial / parasitic infection): Low calcium, low iron, low flavonoids,low carotenoids, [opt. acitvated charcoal, clay (internal use), bovine colostrum].
Delayed Sexual Maturity: Low zinc, low potassium, low iron, low manganese.
Depigmentation of the Skin (white skin patches): Low PABA, high iodine.
Depression following pregnancy (postpartum): Low manganese, low Vitamin B1.
Depression (general): Low tin, high/low magnesium, high/low calcium, high/low manganese, low sodium, low iron, low nickel, low iodine, low protein, low phosphorus, high copper, low Vitamin C, low Vit B1, low Vit B12, high Vit B5, high Vit E, high Vit B2, high/low Vit B6, heavy metal toxicity. [opt: tryptophan / 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP), St. John's Wort, EFAs, EPA, DHEA].
Dermatosis / Dermatitis: Low EFAs, low Vitamin E, low Vit B2, low biotin, high/low Vit A, high calcium, high magnesium, low sodium, heavy metal toxicity, [opt. UV exposure].
Diabetes Type II: Low Vitamin C, low nickel, high selenium, high sodium, high/low manganese, low chromium, low sulfur, low potassium, high intake of glucosamine, [opt. EPA, stevia, soluble fiber].
Diarrhea: Low calcium, low iron, low folate, low carotenoids, high sulfur, high magnesium, high Vit C, gluten (with celiac disease), heavy metal toxicity, [opt. acidophilus,cocoa], (see also "Crohn's").
Digestive Problems: High/low hydrochloric acid, high/low bile, insufficient pancreatic enzymes, low manganese, low iron, low folate, may need acidophilus / probiotics.
Dizziness: High/low sodium, high/low manganese, high/low iron, high/low phosphorus, high Vit B3/4, high Vit A, high PABA, low vanadium, low molybdenum, low iodine, low tin, high chloride, high lithium, high fluoride, high/low Vit B5, low Vit B2, low Vit B6, low Vit B12, heavy metal toxicity.
Dry Skin: High calcium, high magnesium, low sodium, low iron, low choline, low phosphorus, high/low Vit A, low iodine, low EFAs, heavy metal toxicity. [low humidity, insufficient water intake, allergies].
Dupuytren's contracture: Low magnesium, low silica, low sulfur, low Vitamin C. Balancing minerals alone will not reverse DC, but significant improvement is possible already with the first electro-therapy or electro-acupuncture session. I have used 900 µAmps / 160Hz modulated AC of 1/3Hz with excellent results, but most T.E.N.S. units should give satisfactory results near the 1mAmp /<200Hz range setting.
Dyspnea (shortness of breath, trouble breathing in): High cobalt, high nickel, low tin, high Vitamin A, low Vit E, low Vit B15, low Vit B1, low Vit C, [spinal alignment problem at T3 - T5 area].
Eclampsia / pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure during pregnancy): Low folate, low Vitamin B5, low magnesium, low calcium, low potassium, high iron.
Eczema: High/low Vit A, low EFAs, low pancreatic / digestive enzymes, [Probiotics, allergies (citrus)].
Edema (water / fluid retention, swelling of tissues): High/low sodium, high/low phosphorus, low iodine, low magnesium, low potassium, high/low protein, low Vitamin B1, low Vit B6, low Vit B5, low Vit C.
Episcleritis (swelling / inflammation of the eyes): High iron, high manganese, low carotenoids, low B-complex, low bioflavonoids, low Vitamin C, [opt: milk thistle].
Fatigue: Low sodium, low sulfur, low tin, high/low manganese, high/low iron, high/low iodine, high/low calcium, high/low magnesium, high/low potassium, high/low zinc, high/low phosphorus, high copper, high/low Vitamin C, low Vit B1, low Vit B6, low folate, low biotin, low protein, low Vit B12, high Vit A, high Vit B2, high Vit B5, high PABA, high Vit D, heavy metal toxicity, [opt. Siberian ginseng, royal jelly].
Fibroid Tumors (breast / uterine fibroids): Low iodine, low germanium, low silicon / silica, high PABA, high copper, high manganese, low Vitamin C, low Vit E, low EFAs, high coffee / tea / cocoa / chocolate / caffeine / alcohol intake, high pseudo-estrogenic factors (Bisphenol-A), [opt. isoflavones, resveratrol].
Flatulence (intestinal gas): Low pancreatic / digestive enzymes, low hydrochloric acid, high sulfur.
Flushing: High niacin, high iron, high manganese, high sodium, (see also "Menopausal Flushing").
Gallstones: Low EFA intake, low Vit E, low choline, [rapid / excessive weight loss], [opt: turmeric].
Garlic Breath Odor (without eating garlic): High selenium.
Gastric Ulcers: High/low stomach acid [H. Pylori], low bismuth, low lithium.
Gastritis (upset stomach with pain): High stomach acid, high iron, high Vitamin C, high Vit B3/4, high PABA, high beta-carotene, high zinc, high chloride salts, low magnesium, low calcium, heavy metal toxicity, [food poisoning, food intolerance, prescription / non-prescription drugs, alcohol...].
Gingivitis (inflammation of the gums): Low Vitamin C, low Vit A, low bioflavonoids.
Glaucoma: High calcium, high sodium, low magnesium, low potassium, low Vitamin A, low Vit B2, low Vit C, low folate, high caffeine, [opt: coleus (herb), ALA (time release), bioflavonoids].
Glossitis (inflammation of the tongue): Low Vitamin B2, low Vit B12, low folate, low iron.
Glucose Intolerance: Low GTF chromium, high/low manganese, high/low potassium, high/low vanadium, high/low calcium, high/low magnesium, high/low sodium, low zinc, high/low Vitamin B3/4, low Vitamin B6, low biotin, low Vitamin C, low fiber.
Goiter: Low iodine, (very high iodine), high bromine, high PABA, high lithium.
Gout: High meat / seafood / oxalic acid / purine-rich foods, high alcohol, low Vit B5, low magnesium, low potassium, high sodium, high sugar / fructose / corn syrup, low water intake, [opt: cherry juice].
Graying Hair: Low iron, low copper, low calcium.
Growth (slow, impairment): Low calcium, low zinc, low potassium, low iodine, low iron, low Vitamin A, low EFAs, low folate, low Vitamin B6. [in some animals: low tin].
Hemangioma (of liver): High copper (sometimes secondary to estrogen therapy in adult females).
Hemorrhaging (see "Bruising"): Overdose of blood-thinning drugs, supplements, toxins, poisons.
Hives: Low Vitamin C, low Vit A, low biotin, low Vit B6, low sodium, low chromium, low magnesium, low calcium, low copper, high potassium, high zinc, low thymus, low pancreatic / digestive enzymes.
Hydrocephalus (excessive fluid / pressure in the brain): High sodium, low Vitamin A, low potassium, low magnesium, low zinc.
Hyperactivity: Low Calcium, low magnesium, low sulfur, high copper, high iodine, high Vitamin B1, high Vit B6, low PABA, low Vit B2, low biotin, heavy metal toxicity, [high simple sugar intake].
Hypertension (high blood pressure): Low magnesium, low potassium, low zinc, high/low calcium, high/low sodium, high/low phosphorus, high iron, high/low Vitamin E, high/low choline, high Vit B1, low Vit B2, low Vit B5, low Vit B15, low folate, low Co Q10, heavy metal toxicity. [opt. hawthorn, stevia].
Hypertonia (muscle that can not be stretched): Low magnesium, high manganese.
Hypogonadism (small ovaries or testis): Low zinc, low potassium, low manganese.
Hypotension (low blood pressure): Low sodium, low iron, low phosphorus, low manganese, high magnesium, high potassium, high Vitamin B5, high folate, low biotin, high/low Vit C (systolic BP), high/low Vit E (diastolic BP), low choline, low Vit B12.
Hypothermia (low body temperature): Low iron, low manganese, low sodium, low iodine, high magnesium, high/low Vitamin E, high (long-term) calcium, [opt. royal jelly].
Hyperthermia (elevated body temperature): High iron, high manganese, high iodine, high sodium, high phosphorus, high Vitamin A, high niacin, low potassium, low magnesium.
Impotence (erectile dysfunction): Low potassium, very high or low zinc, high/low manganese, high/low iron, low B-complex, low Vitamin E, [opt. royal jelly, DHEA], [cardiovascular disease / atherosclerosis].
Immune System Dysfunctions: Low Vitamin C, Low Vit A, low manganese, high/low iron, high/low chromium, high/low copper, high/low calcium, high/low magnesium, high/low selenium, high/low zinc, high/low potassium, high/low sulfur, high/low protein, low EFAs, low thymus, [high simple sugar intake].
Indigestion: High/low hydrochloric acid, pancreatic enzyme deficiency, high/low bile, low intest. flora.
Infertility (male / female): High/low zinc, high/low potassium, low Vitamin E, high/low iron, high/low manganese, low calcium, low magnesium, low Vit A / Vit B6 / Vit C / Vit B12, low EFAs, [opt. Vitex].
Insomnia: Low calcium level or ratio, high/low magnesium, high/low potassium, high phosphorus, high sodium, high zinc, high iodine, low PABA, low Vit B2, low Vit B5, high/low Vit E, high/low Vit B6, high Vit B1, high Vit B12, low Q10, high stomach acid, [opt. 5-HTP, melatonin, l-tyrosine, l-theanine].
Joint / Bone Pain: High/low Vitamin D, high/low calcium, high/low magnesium, high/low copper, high/low chromium, high/low phosphorus, high/low protein, high/low sodium, high manganese, high iron, low sulfur, low selenium, low Vitamin K, high Vit A, heavy metal toxicity [opt. boron].
Kidney Dysfunction: High/low sodium, high/low phosphorus, high/low potassium, high/low zinc, electrolyte imbalance, high/low choline, high/low Vitamin B5, low EFAs.
Kidney Stones: High/low sodium, high/low phosphorus, high/low calcium, high/low magnesium, low Vit B2, low Vit B5, low Vit B6, high oxalic acid intake / lack of Oxalobacter formigenes bacterium in gut.
Learning Disability: Low zinc, low iron, low calcium, low magnesium, low EFAs (from fish), low sulfur, low iodine, high copper, low tyrosine, heavy metal toxicity.
Leukemia: Low iron, high zinc, low protein, low phosphorus, low Vitamin C, low Vit A, low folic acid, low Vit B1, low Vit B3/B4, high Vit B5, [high simple sugar intake], [opt. thymus glandular, green tea].
Leukopenia (low white blood cell count): High iron, high phosphorus, low zinc, low magnesium, low Vitamin B2, low Vit B5, low Vit E, high folic acid, high Vit A, high Vit C, low RNA/DNA.
Liver Degeneration: High alcohol, high manganese, high iron, low zinc, low potassium, high Vit A, high Vit B3/4, high PABA, low Vit B6, low Vit C, heavy metal toxicity, high acetaminophen (Tylenol), high estrogen, high marijuana, high devil's claw, many prescription drugs, [opt. NAC, milk thistle].
Memory Impairment: Low sodium, low iodine, low sulfur, low zinc, low Vitamin B1, low inositol, low choline, low lecithin, low Vit E, high copper, low EFAs, low pregnenolone / DHEA, heavy metal toxicity.
Meniere's Disease:Low iron, low folate, low Vitamin A, high/low sodium, high/low potassium, high/low magnesium, low coenzyme Q10.
Menopausal Flushing: Low manganese, high potassium, high calcium, low copper, low biotin, low Vit B4, high Vit B6, high Vit C, low isoflavones, low bioflavonoids [opt: estrogen (estradiol, estrone, estriol), black cohosh, dong quai, sage, chaste tree, vervain, motherwort, astragalus, devil's claw].
Menstrual Cramps: Low iron, low magnesium, low calcium, high zinc, high potassium, low EFAs.
Miscarriages: Low calcium, high Vitamin A, high/low iron, high/low manganese, high/low potassium, high/low magnesium, low folate, low Vitamin B12, low EFAs.
Moodiness: High copper, high/low manganese, high/low calcium, high/low Vitamin C, high/low Vit B6.
Mottled Teeth: High fluoride.
Mucus (excess): Low Vit A, low beta-carotene, low iodine, low thymus, low Vit C, high dairy intake.
Mucus (thick / sticky): Oil of oregano, eucalyptus, anise, peppermint..., hot spices.
Mucus (Lack of mucus / dry, hacking cough): High Vitamin A, [opt: warm milk].
Muscle Atrophy: Low protein, low zinc, low potassium.
Myopia (nearsightedness): [in childhood] Low manganese, low iron, low Vitamin D.
Nails (brittle): High/low calcium, high/low zinc, high magnesium, low silicon (silica), low iron, low sulfur, low beta-carotene, low biotin, low EFAs, high Vitamin A, [opt. (Knox) Gelatine].
Nausea: High/low hydrochloric acid, high/low manganese, high/low iron, high/low calcium, high/low magnesium, high copper, high zinc, low Vitamin B3/4, low Vit B6, low Vit C, high Vit A, low protein, heavy metal toxicity, [opt. acidophilus / probiotics, ginger].
Nervousness: High iodine, high potassium, high phosphorus, high sodium, low magnesium, low
calcium, high Vitamin B1, high Vit B6, high Vit B12, low PABA, low coenzyme Q10, [opt: Vit B15].
Night Blindness: Low Vitamin A, low zinc, low carotenoids (beta-carotene).
Night Sweats: Low zinc, low potassium, low magnesium, low manganese, high/low iodine, high sodium, high Vitamin A. [low estrogen].
Nose Bleeds: Low Vitamin C, low rutin, low hesperidin (bioflavonoids), high copper, high sodium, high Vit A, high intake of blood-thinning factors (see "Bruising"), [high blood pressure].
Numbness of Hands and Feet: High/low Vit B12, high/low Vit B15, low P5P, low inositol, low EFAs.
Palpitations (pounding pulse without exercise): High iodine, high Vit B1, high Vit B6, high/low Vit B12, low PABA, low Vit B2, low calcium / magnesium / iron / potassium, [allergies]. (see also "Arrhythmia").
Pancreatic Insufficiency: Low Vitamin C, low nickel, low sulfur, high sodium, [opt. pancreatin].
Periodontal Disease: Low Vitamin C, low bioflavonoids, low calcium, high copper, high phosphorus.
Peripheral Neuropathy: Low P5P/B6, low Vit B12, low Vit E, low inositol, [EPA, ALA (time release)].
Pernicious Anemia: Low Vit B12, high/low folic acid, high Vit B15, low stomach acid, [glutamic acid].
Photophobia (intolerance to light): Low Vitamin A, low carotenoids (beta-carotene), low Vit B2.
Postpartum Depression: Low manganese, low Vitamin B1.
Pruritis (excessive itching): Low pancreatic enzymes, low EFAs, low Vitamin C, low chromium, high Vit A, high choline, high phosphorus, electrolyte imbalance, allergies (wheat...).
Psoriasis: Low EFAs, low Vit D, low pancreatic enzymes, [forskolin, Dead Sea bath, UV exposure].
Restlessness: Low calcium, low magnesium, high potassium, high Vit B1, low tyrosine, low CoQ10.
Sciatica: Zinc / potassium ratio conflict (posterior-lateral pathway hip to toes), selenium / sulfur ratio conflict (lateral pathway to the anterior portion of thigh). (For details see Sciatica "Zinc & Potassium").
Scrotum Dermatitis: Low Vitamin E.
Sodium [Salt] Retention: Low folate, low Vitamin B2, low magnesium, low zinc, low potassium, low Vit B5, high choline, high Vit B1, high Vit E, high iron, high salt intake, high oxalate / purine intake.
Sperm count - low: Low folate, low zinc, low potassium, low calcium, low magnesium.
Stomach acid - high: Low calcium, low magnesium, high iron, high manganese, high Vitamin C, high Vit B1, high Vit B3/4, high Vit D, high folate.
Stomach acid - low: Low Vitamin B1, low Vit C, low Vit B3/4, low Vit D, low folate, low chloride, low iron, low manganese, low phosphorus, low nickel, low cobalt, high calcium, high magnesium.
Sweating (Excessive): High/low magnesium, high/low zinc, high/low sodium, high/low potassium, high iodine, low manganese, low PABA, high Vitamin B6, lack of exercise, [opt: sage].
Tachycardia (heart beat over 100 beats per minute): Low magnesium, high sodium, high/low Vit B1, high/low potassium, high iodine, high Vit B6, high Vit B12, low PABA, low Q10, (see also 'Arrhythmia').
Tinnitus (noises / ringing in the ears): High chloride / high/low sodium (right side), high fluoride / high/low phosphorus (left side), low calcium, low magnesium, [sensitivity to Aspirin or other NSAIDs].
Tremors: High iodine, high manganese, high sodium, high phosphorus, high lithium, high Vitamin B1, high/low Vit B6, low calcium, low magnesium, low PABA, heavy metal toxicity.
Tylenol / Acetaminophen overdose / liver damage: NAC, [opt: milk thistle].
Ulcerative (white) Lesions in Mouth:Low Vitamin A, low carotenoids (beta-carotene), low Vit B5, high phosphorus, high acidic food / beverage intake, may need probiotics (swished around in mouth).
Vision (impaired, poor visual acuity): High/low manganese, high/low iron, high/low calcium, high/low sodium, low magnesium, low Vitamin A, low carotenoids, low Vit B2, low EFAs, heavy metal toxicity.
Vulva Dermatitis: Low Vitamin E, [opt. probiotics].
Vulvovaginitis (inflammation of the vulva and vagina): Low zinc, low sulfur, high/low copper, low Vitamin A, low Vit B2, low Vit C.
Weight Gain: Low potassium, low zinc, low iodine, high/low Vit B6, high magnesium, high sodium, low hydrochloric acid, high calorie / simple carb intake, lack of exercise, [opt: RNA/DNA, soluble fiber].
Weight Loss: High/low hydrochloric acid, low sulfur, low sodium, low selenium, low iron, low calcium, low magnesium, low manganese, high potassium, high zinc, high iodine, high Vitamin B6, low Vit E, low carotenoids, low EFAs, low calorie intake, may need acidophilus / probiotics.
White Spots on Fingernails: General mineral imbalance, low calcium, low iron, (not low zinc).
Wound Healing-Poor: High/low iron, high/low zinc, high/low copper, low chromium, low magnesium, low Vitamin A, low Vit C, low Vit E, low bioflavonoids, low EFAs, low thymus.
Yellow / Orange Skin color: High carotenoid / beta-carotene intake.
Yellow Urine: High Vitamin B2 intake.
Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome: Low calcium, low magnesium, high manganese, high sodium, low Vitamin B5, high Vit C, high Vit B3/4
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