i would never want to turn any woman away from a remedy that could possibly prevent or treat this terrible affliction, but... about v*ck's v*porub and the ointment, and anything that has petroleum jelly/v*seline in it, there is some concern that petroleum jelly clogs the pores and, just like that would make u not want to use it on your face ...it could clog the glands (bartholin's), which could cause the cysts/abcesses or at least make them worse... so please give careful consideration whether u wanna use that or keep using it, okay? i think we, suffering with this, should look for remedies that can declog/dissolve/draw/drain the glands in some way - but i am still looking... and if i ever find anything to help, you can bet i will share it immediately! ............my heart goes out to anyone else suffering with this... god bless you~ missy