Re: Help...Iron Deficency...?
Hi Sunnyone i agree with you and and i also suggest good diet.
The best way to increase iron levels in the blood are through the diet, so you should avoid coffee, tea and antacids since they hinder in the absorption of iron. Maintain a healthy balanced diet, rich in sources of iron such as green peas, chickpeas lean beef, skinned poultry, liver, egg yolks,pork, shellfish , fish,. For vegetarians, rich sources of iron in foods include fresh green leafy vegetables lentils, split peas, beet, spinach, figs, dates, dried peaches, apricots, nuts, peanut butter raisins and whole grain peas prunes breads, broccoli, blackeyes Apart from this, drink 1 cup of beetroot juice of 1 cup of fresh apple juice mixed with a spoonful of honey every day. Another effective remedy for iron deficiency is a mixture of apple and tomato juice consumed daily. Soak 10 currants overnight, de-seed them and have them every morning for 3 weeks to fight anemia. Eating fresh salads and honey helps to increase the iron levels by increasing the hemoglobin levels in the body. Vitamin C also helps in absorption of iron, as do Vitamins B1, B2, B6 and P. Consume foods rich in these vitamins and cook your food in cast-iron vessels since this helps to increase the iron content of your foods.