Hi guys its been a while since I have posted anything and since then I have gone to a GI specialist and got my stomached checked. I have always suffered from BO as far as I can remember since middle school but its funny that at home the people I have seen for the past 8 years dont really smell it as much as somebody new. Well I have always felt that I have had leaky gut syndrom and most likely candidas but when I went to the GI this past week he said I had gastritis (which is bascially inflmation of the stomach) and im going to have a follow up on monday where he will most likely prescribe me some medications for it. The one thing I was wondering is can it be possible that I still have leaky gut because when I saw the pictures of my stomach there were no holes or even signs of candida. The doctor didnt mention anything about it (because I was still under the influences of the anestetic when I woke up) but I'm sure he will have more information for me on monday when I see him. I was wondering if anybody knew of cases with people who suffer from gastritis and unusual BO and also as a suggestion for you guys out there suffering from Body Odor .
**GET Tested** because even though you might me 99.9% sure its leaky gut you might have something else like gastritis and I know doctors dont like to talk about leaky gut (maybe i sitll have this im not sure) but going to the doctor to check your stomach isnt gonna be the end of the world and its well worth going because sometimes what you need is for other people to help you adress your issue instead of doing it on you own! Thanks good Luck and hopefully I get some replies here, GOD bless!