Since you find profanity so offensive... I will refrain from siting the title of the first chapter of his book. He also includes the following quote...
"If you don't care for obscenity, you don't care for the truth; if you don't care for the truth, watch how you vote. Send guys to war, they come home talking dirty. " — Tim O'Brien (The Things They Carried)
Given my own experience, the number of people that I have communicated and worked with as well as accounts that I have read of veterans, detainees, police officers, crime victims, criminals in max security prisons, women and children who have been raped and sexually abused, those who have exhibited the full gamut of what psychiatry has been diagnosing as "mental illness"... and anyone who has suffered any sort of trauma... accident victims, those who have a diagnosed or undiagnosed TBI, those who have developed "chemo-brain" as a result of treatment for cancer, etc., etc., etc., etc.,... and additionally understanding the full implications of the connections between the stress response, the adrenal glands, the endocrine system, cortisol, blood sugar, the brain, the firing of neurons... and with a WHOLE BUNCH of other stuff... I find responses like yours OBSCENE!
Some of this was known long ago and I indicated as such here...
Rather than treat me with the respect that I deserve, assist me in a collaborative effort, ensure that I will receive credit for my research, protect me from the vultures who like to make bank off of other people's hard work, provide sufficient and consistent support and assistance, acknowledge that they made a mistake, accept the consequences for what they've done and make restitution for it... I've instead been treated as if I were the criminal and been turned yet again into another one of their little human experimentation projects! In spite of everything that I've been through... I've still been working my ass... yea I said ASS... off so that ALL of us will eventually have descent health care... including people like YOU!
I also know damn well that no one with blown out adrenal glands has any business using ortho-iodine supplementation or SSKI ... and that anyone with a brain who is recommending such treatment to someone who has been through a bunch of trauma is not doing them any favors and may very well be trying to knock them off! Likewise... adrenal problems are NOT the result of mercury in the adrenal glands and that too much cleansing or chelation will harm them too! There are people who believe that this world is over-populated and that there are some people who are too "broken" and it will cost to much to "fix" them... neither of which is the TRUTH!