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Dead germ and parasite corpses entering bloodstream: use papaya to digest, B-6 to remove ammonia from protein rot.
nordskoven Views: 5,668
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Dead germ and parasite corpses entering bloodstream: use papaya to digest, B-6 to remove ammonia from protein rot.

Sounds like a combo platter of Leaky Gut, Candida, Lyme Disease germ plus Lyme carrier bite brought microfilarial/threadworm and mini-fluke infestation. Let's just use this as a theory. You can't just kill the bugs and worms, you have to remove the dead bodies gracefully.

Leaky Gut generally occurs with high Sugar and/or Antibiotic use that feeds systemic Candida/yeast that goes into a "rooting" phase that bores holes in the G.I. tract. Take some Caprylic Acid or the stronger Undecylenic Acid to start croaking the yeast. Take Papaya to digest the dead yeast coat that causes wild allergic response. Aloe will soothe the gut.

R-Lipoic Acid or the milder Alpha Lipoic Acid will tend to heal those Leaky Gut holes. Start on that first so no more wild effects of substances passing from guts into bloodstream. Leaky Gut is likely autoimmune trigger as "enemy" particles pass into bloodstream causing allergic/immune response. Always drink water 1/2 hour before eating to plump up gut mucus, please. Take any Lipoic Acid with sugar-free/yeast bread-free meals as it is slightly strong to the stomach. Banana is OK as it will not foster Candida.

When the threadworms are croaked, as in single-cell egg stage using Silver Colloid, or in mature stage as with Oregon Grape Root, they flood the system with little threadworm and mini-fluke corpses from the Lyme carrier bite. The worms do like to camp out in knee joints, so that's a hint. Leaky Gut lets this garbage into your system. You started killing the Candida and healing the Leaky Gut so now you must use some kind of enzyme therapy to digest that deluge of rotting micro-protein that is entering bloodstream and clogging your capillaries. The Papaya or meat tenderizer will digest the protein of dead worms.

Take a small daily dose of B-6, 50mg daily, to remove any ammonia by-product from all those rotting corpses. [Peristalsis stymied by serotonin imbalance is still a gut issue as mid-brain chemicals are principally made in the gut.] High ammonia blood levels will make you recycle your thoughts, get stuck on stupid, and will poison your system. This may also discourage peristalsis. Drink lots of water, please, to lower blood ammonia along with B-6 therapy.

If you have tolerated this protocol well, consider maintenance with State-of-the-Art Instruments blood and lymph cleansers.

It is likely that a daily mag blast to lymph and joints, or electrical blood cleaning session on pulse points, is needed to utterly disrupt and destroy germs and parasite growth cycles. Whew! And pray. May the Good Lord grant us miracles of healing all for His honor and glory. Thanks. AMEN


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