Re: Healing The Body From Mandatory Vaccinations
Hi, B-lox!
Have you ever used a refractometer to test food quality???
I got a real eye-opener...the certified organic was often lower quality than much of the rest of what was out there.
Best sources I have found are local, either very small commercial growers, usually from Latin America or Asia who have various traditions of using green mulch on their crops. Their practices are better than certified organic, but they are too small for certification to be cost effective. Advantage to us a consumers is that this makes their stuff more affordable. Since I started using a refractometer to test my food every time I shop, my health has steadily improved, including my immune system and resistance to the stuff going around that others always seem to catch.
If you do not already know the value of this inexpensive and easy to use tool, I would highly recommend checking it out. Plenty of archived threads and live assistance at the Ask Moreless forum here at CZ!
I am a regular there...hope to see ya show up sometime!