Re: EXTREMELY itchy scalp - among other things
It sure sounds like
parasites to me. Have you watched that show MONSTERS AMONG US on Animal Planet? It's all about
parasites and one guy had something a lot like you describe. The
parasites can get into the blood, the organs, the brain, the eyeballs, ears, everywhere. Not sure about bone, that would be a feat even for them.
Humaworm is an excellent person to ask a lot about parasites. I did his 30 day cleanse last year myself. Did my pets too. Like Hv here, Huma is always ready and willing to answer any questions. I was VERY impressed with that forum.
I suppose you tried the tea tree oil then as well? Then again, if it's parasites, what you put on topically won't make much difference in the long run. Get some some diatomacious earth! That's cheap, easy and a great dewormer for people and pets. Lots of posts here on it too.