16 y
List of items for making CS?
I can’t believe that I am the only one who is confused about making colloidal silver!
Obviously, it is time to find a way to make CS. Being completely clueless, I’m going to buy a complete unit.
OK, I know I need a unit that has a stirrer and automatically turns off.
I’m looking at silverpuppy, but that site is awful, for someone who is clueless.
However, in addition, I’ve seen that other items are also needed.
I see mention of a TDS (total dissolved solids) meter. I think that is for testing of the purity of the distilled water?
I have seen mention of a Hanna PWT meter? What is that for?
I think I’ve also seen, mention of a meter that measures the “strength” of the finished product. What is that? What is a brand name?
Could there be the complete list of what we need and why? I’m sure a lot of other people would appreciate it!
I’ve been looking at these sites for several months, and the more I know, the less I know!