Re: Shocking Words From An Oncologist's Mouth!
Hey Wings its great to see you posting again. I've missed you, hope you're doing well.
That is a great story, its what I've long suspected regarding doctors, they have to know the truth I've got friends who are doctors but I haven't yet had this kind of conversation with them simple because I am wanting to get a good understanding of natural healing in order to be able to have an intelligent conversation with them and counter all the negative things I believe they'll try to throw at me.
I guess I'm left shocked by your story on different levels. First I'm shocked that this doctor even admitted to you he knew the truth, I wouldn't have expected that. Second I'm shocked because it goes against everything I believe in that a doctor who knows the truth and is sitting in a church because he is a Christian (is he?) would keep this truth from his patients simply because he would suffer financially if the truth got out. This kind of thing goes against the grain of my very being!
I've often wondered what God thinks about Christians who are doctors yet are not willing to share the truth of healing with their patients. Makes a person think huh?
Thanks for sharing the story.