Re: gonna fast to see the results
I have to respectfully disagree with ahr here, but maybe s/he just meant the diet should be longer than a week. Fasting for more than a week reportedly can lead to anemia, liver damage, kidney stones, mineral imbalances and fainting.
In the 7-day Detox Miracle Book it recommended taking certain immune-system-boosting nutritional supplements during the
Water Fast and afterwards, including at the minimum probiotics (lactobacillus acidophalous), milk thistle, and one other thing, I can't remember.
They suggested two days is the time necessary for the lemon-cayenne-water fast, then you do the rest of the week only smoothies, vegetables and a few almonds. I think it also recommended a little bit of light exercise, and hydrotherapy for circulation too.
Good luck with it. I think I'll join you in a few weeks.