Uny here :)...Re: Uny, I'm having a sort of emergency, please advise:)
Firstly, to recap a bit about you/your situation (for those that don't yet know/understand) - you have something akin to (if not exactly) MCS Multiple Chemical Sensitivity...and when this, ANYTHING that can trigger various reactions.
And you've recently moved a great distance, your "life stressers" are 11 on a scale of 0-10, and you also have something like Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue - including what you've reported that sounds like 'fibromyalgia pain'.
So, first things first, if you've ingested anything with any type of chemical additives or 'unpure' anything, that could all of it or part of it. I've never found the "truth" on popcorn...is it all GM except organic or not? ???
We know that "they" have not been able to genetically modify corn to the point that it tastes like regular sweet corn...hence bags of frozen corn, corn on the cob or cans of corn do not contain GM corn. But popcorn doesn't have to taste "sweet" to taste fairly normal...so I always stick with 'organic only' when it comes to popcorn.
I agree with Trixie, it sounds liver/gallbladder related, and although I don't prefer to utilize substances like Epsom Salts, Epsom Salts is likely to bring you some immediate relief IF the problem is that you've got a bit of a clog in your gallbladder. However, it can easily be a combination of a slight clog and a release of stale bile (lack of bile and 'stale bile' both can cause nausea, gas & urps/burps).
Here's what you can do right now (assuming you don't have any Epsom Salts...and oh yes, with your chemical sensitivities, you might have a harsh reaction from the ES, so unless the pain becomes quite severe, I'd avoid ES for now):
from here: http://curezone.com/schulze/handbook/lg-ap.asp
For severe gallbladder attacks, do immediate liver/gallbladder flush as follows: 2-3 tablespoons olive oil blended with 2-3 cloves of garlic and a big chunk of ginger. Swallow.
Fifteen minutes later, take 2 cups of DeTox Tea (formula to follow) or use grated ginger root tea or mint tea. If no results, repeat in an hour from first olive oil dose. You can repeat this every hour until the pain subsides. Dr. Schulze has never had a patient do this more than twice for total pain relief, even when patients were doubled over in tears. No patient ever needed emergency surgery after doing this.
Right after flush, you can put an ice bag on the liver, just below right rib cage. Do this for ten minutes on, then hot water bottle for ten minutes, then do ice bag again. If person hasn't pooped recently, give an enema to relieve any pressure from the colon.
Repeat liver flush next morning. Then repeat every morning for a week to heal the liver.
In a gall bladder attack, remember to work the bottom of the feet hard, for it will help spasms to let go. Dig in and search for painful points. Work the entire bottom of the foot, as much as the person can tolerate.
Also, in a liver emergency, a person can always add a castor oil pack. Soak a piece of wool or cotton flannel in warm castor oil and place over the liver. Cover with plastic to keep in the castor oil, and place a heating pad over the castor oil to drive the castor oil into the body through the skin. The castor oil acts like a transdermal patch to purify the liver.
(foot reflexology chart - remember the feet are facing you - your liver/gallbladder points are almost all on the right foot - because almost all of your liver is on the right side of your body)
If it were me, I'd do another coffee enema after doing the 'mini flush' above (or ES)...but I'd wait at least an hour after taking either - and I'd definitely do 2 CEs tomorrow, no matter what.
Also (courtesy of Telman), here's a GREAT "gallbladder stretch" :)
Of course, ginger, fennel seed or peppermint tea is very soothing to the digestive tract and will help with the 'urps & burps' (and gas). Ginger helps with nausea, as you likely know ('hope you can get some soon).
I'm likely to be here till WAY past dawn, so if you need any more help I should be able to get back to you fairly quickly. Sending healing hugs ----> your way :)