I'm sure that Uny will be on sometime tonight to set things straight. She knows the protocol you're doing like nobody else so I feel like she would be the one to advise you as she knows a lot about your situation.
Please hang on for Uny. I'll be praying for you and sending healing thoughts your way!
On this forum, we don't subscribe to the use of homeopathics
Perhaps you'd like to read Dr. Schulzes viewpoint on homeopathy. I'm not providing this to enter to debate; I just thought perhaps you'd care to examine a different thougt-line. Blessings - Unyquity The Founder Dr. Samuel Hahnemann ( 1755 - 1843 ) , a medical doctor, after years of orthodox medical practice, became dissatisfied with his therapy. He developed his own system, using the same medical drugs of the era, but in very small, even invisible, dos-ages. I repeat, he used the same chemical drugs, animal parts, herbs, reptiles, insects, metals, minerals, acids, and radioactive material which are still employed by modern homeopathic and medical doctors. He believed that the remedies took on the spirit, especially in the case of the animals, reptiles and insects. A common practice of his was to suffocate live birds into the alcohol to capture the spirit of the animal into the remedy. This is still practiced today in such homeopathic remedies as Formica Rufa or Myrmexine, used in the treatment of arthritis, which is made from crushed live ants. He did not believe that we could depend on nature to treat disease and illness as stated in his book The Organon of Medicine written in 1810. Some of his fundamental beliefs were recorded in this work. He felt that nature was undependable as a healing agent, most of nature was unusable in its natural state, and if it did cure disease it was only by chance. He felt the only certain cures were remedies manufactured by the physician. These views are exactly the views of most orthodox medical doctors today, certainly not the views of Holistic or Natural Practitioners The Philosophy The word Homeopathy is taken from the Greek, homoios, meaning "like" and pathos, meaning "disease", thus "like disease." The basic premise is that a substance, any substance, that in a large dose would cause a particular toxic reaction, is applied for a disease that resembles this same toxic reaction, but in an extremely small dose. This dose is so small and diluted that it is invisible to normal laboratory equipment and testing. This is why it is sometimes referred to as energetic medicine; nothing can be detected. The substances used are the same substances used by modern medicine. Plants are used as with drug manufacture but also Animal Waste, Organs, Infected Tissue and Puss, Insects, Reptiles, Metals, Minerals, Toxic Acids and Radioactive Material. Some of the substances used, such as Arsenic, Cyanide and Smallpox, are so lethal even extremely small amounts are deadly. Most people find it extremely repulsive to even think of ingesting the aforementioned material in any dosage whether energetic or not. For this reason, the Homeopaths, like their brothers the Medical Doctors, using the same material in different dosages, do not tend to disclose or discuss the ingredients of their so-called remedies. Most Americans are shocked to discover that common drugs like estrogens and birth control pills are made from horse urine, antiviral drugs from bird and bat manure and even vitamin B-12 from sewage sludge. Again, a homeopath will use ANY material, regardless of how toxic or disgusting, to create a remedy. Their sole focus is to find an agent, that, in large doses would, cause a toxic reaction similar to the disease the person is afflicted with, and give them that SAME element in a very small dose. Finding a drug or remedy to treat a disease is not Holistic. This is identical therapy to modern medical treatment. This is in direct conflict with the philosophy of Natural and Holistic Medicine. Natural Healing treats the whole person and aids the body/mind/spirit to heal itself by creating a life-style and environment that promotes well-ness and healing. Foods, Juices and Plants are used to nourish the body and to assist with elimination, cleansing and detoxification. Hydrotherapy, Body Work Therapies and Movement/Exercise are used to stimulate the circulation, restructure, and re-move blockages, and Psychotherapy, Counseling, Meditation and Spiritual Practice are used to promote a positive attitude, self-love and a connection with our higher self. Wellness is simply a way of life where one stops doing the things that made them sick in the first place and creates a new life-style that promotes health and well-being. The Remedies As stated earlier, homeopathic drugs are manufactured using any material that is felt to be effective. The general public, when kept ignorant, will swallow almost anything. This is especially true today. As mentioned earlier, If most women knew that birth control pills and hormone replacement drugs were made from horse urine, they might object to the usage of such drugs, and, in turn, hopefully pressure the pharmaceutical industry to return to the herbs that were used a few years ago, although a bit more costly to the manufacturer. It is true that Homeopathy employs the use of plants, in invisible dosages, but it is also true that almost ½ of their medicines are made from some of the most disgusting material known. I believe in this manner the Homeopaths have surpassed the medical profession. In fact, their material is worse than any bizarre science fiction film made. The following is a brief list, only a small sample of Homeopathic Remedies. If you have any doubt about this, go to your local library or medical school and look at any Homeopathic Materia Medica yourself, or ask your Homeopathic Doctor and watch him squirm around as he tries to answer, Ready? Insects: crushed live ants, honeybees, papal cross spiders, cockroaches, bedbugs, ladybugs, black Cuban spiders, wood louse, head lice, plant lice, centipede, the common flea, orange spiders, Spanish spiders, gray spider, Australian black spiders, the fly, potato bug, locusts, live wasps, caterpillars, scabies mites and kissing bugs. Snakes and Reptiles and Fish: crawfish, red starfish, roasted sponge, yellow viper, toad poison, copperhead snake, red coral, rattlesnakes, coral snake, digestive fluid of the lobster, fish fossils, jellyfish, purple fish, cobra snake, inky juice of cuttlefish, leeches, German vipers, gila monster, king crab blood, moccasin snake, stinging fish and adder snakes. Animal and Human Parts, Disease, and Unknown origin material: Adrenal gland secretion, Whale morbid secretions, a maceration of a tuberculous lung, botulism poison, saliva of a rabid dog, animal charcoal, a cancer nosode, rudimentary thumbnail of a horse, the beaver, cholesterol from the gallbladder lining, diphtheria virus, fecal matter taken from the amniotic fluid of an unborn horse, pancreatic fluid, dog's milk, lecithin from animal brains, horse grease, gonorrheal virus, skunks, musk, animal oil, ovarian ex-tract, lung mucus containing the virus whooping cough, pituitary gland, septic pus from cow flesh decomposed in the sun for 2 weeks, muscle tissue acids, protein from decomposed human fecal matter, syphilis virus, thyroid gland of sheep, a nosode from a tubercular abscess, smallpox pus, cat's milk, gallstones, anthrax bacteria and testicle extract. Chemicals, Metals and other Toxic substances: arsenic, cyanide, mercury, lead, ammonia, amyl nitrate, anthracite coal dissolved in boiling potash, coal tar, lime, plaster of Paris, carbolic acid, chloroform, loadstone magnets, formaldehyde, soot, graphite black lead, potash, saltpeter, nickel, petroleum, radium bromide, tin, sulfuric acid, thallium, TNT, uranium and alcohol exposed to x-rays. Summation This is not an investigation of whether homeopathy is an effective treatment. Certainly, there are people worldwide who claim benefits. But, just because a therapy works, such as the case of modern orthodox medicine, doesn't mean that it is natural. A further definition of natural could be a therapy, treatment or remedy that helps the body to heal itself, without intervention, that also has no toxic physical, emotional or spiritual side effects. Hippocrates has been associated with modern medicine and is hailed as the Father. Modern Orthodox Medicine even follows their blasphemous Hippocratic Oath. The fundamental rule of Hippocrates was Do No Harm. He was a great herbalist and Natural Healer, not a medical doctor, and he clearly understood the dangers of killing a patient with your therapy. It is estimated that millions of people die in the United States and Europe each year from Iatrogenic (physician-created) death. This death is usually caused by drugs and surgical procedures. It appears the medicine is deaf for the words of its father. Homeopathy uses many extremely toxic and lethal substances, in so-called invisible dosages. History is rampant with mistake after mistake, and many cover-ups, when the deadly substances were underestimated. It is believed that some have been cured of cancer from the use of extremely toxic chemotherapy. At the same time, thousands have died from the damage caused by these drugs and their side effects, and not the cancer. The polio and smallpox vaccines have been recalled, after millions have been exposed, and found to be bacterial and viral night-mares. Even x-rays, a so-called miracle of modern science, are advised with caution after simple dental x-rays and mammograms were found to cause cancer. Many diagnostic routines cause worse disease than the original problem. What price do you pay for using dangerous diagnostic techniques, debilitating surgeries, toxic drugs and filthy remedies and therapy that can cause side effects sometimes worse than your original illness. Only the future will tell for sure. In the mean time, beware of Medicine that is sold as holistic and natural, but is actually neither. To be safe, always ask what the product and every ingredient is made from.
Firstly, to recap a bit about you/your situation (for those that don't yet know/understand) - you have something akin to (if not exactly) MCS Multiple Chemical Sensitivity...and when this, ANYTHING that can trigger various reactions.
And you've recently moved a great distance, your "life stressers" are 11 on a scale of 0-10, and you also have something like Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue - including what you've reported that sounds like 'fibromyalgia pain'.
So, first things first, if you've ingested anything with any type of chemical additives or 'unpure' anything, that could all of it or part of it. I've never found the "truth" on popcorn...is it all GM except organic or not? ???
We know that "they" have not been able to genetically modify corn to the point that it tastes like regular sweet corn...hence bags of frozen corn, corn on the cob or cans of corn do not contain GM corn. But popcorn doesn't have to taste "sweet" to taste fairly normal...so I always stick with 'organic only' when it comes to popcorn.
I agree with Trixie, it sounds liver/gallbladder related, and although I don't prefer to utilize substances like Epsom Salts, Epsom Salts is likely to bring you some immediate relief IF the problem is that you've got a bit of a clog in your gallbladder. However, it can easily be a combination of a slight clog and a release of stale bile (lack of bile and 'stale bile' both can cause nausea, gas & urps/burps).
Here's what you can do right now (assuming you don't have any Epsom Salts...and oh yes, with your chemical sensitivities, you might have a harsh reaction from the ES, so unless the pain becomes quite severe, I'd avoid ES for now):
from here: http://curezone.com/schulze/handbook/lg-ap.asp
For severe gallbladder attacks, do immediate liver/gallbladder flush as follows: 2-3 tablespoons olive oil blended with 2-3 cloves of garlic and a big chunk of ginger. Swallow.
Fifteen minutes later, take 2 cups of DeTox Tea (formula to follow) or use grated ginger root tea or mint tea. If no results, repeat in an hour from first olive oil dose. You can repeat this every hour until the pain subsides. Dr. Schulze has never had a patient do this more than twice for total pain relief, even when patients were doubled over in tears. No patient ever needed emergency surgery after doing this.
Right after flush, you can put an ice bag on the liver, just below right rib cage. Do this for ten minutes on, then hot water bottle for ten minutes, then do ice bag again. If person hasn't pooped recently, give an enema to relieve any pressure from the colon.
Repeat liver flush next morning. Then repeat every morning for a week to heal the liver.
In a gall bladder attack, remember to work the bottom of the feet hard, for it will help spasms to let go. Dig in and search for painful points. Work the entire bottom of the foot, as much as the person can tolerate.
Also, in a liver emergency, a person can always add a castor oil pack. Soak a piece of wool or cotton flannel in warm castor oil and place over the liver. Cover with plastic to keep in the castor oil, and place a heating pad over the castor oil to drive the castor oil into the body through the skin. The castor oil acts like a transdermal patch to purify the liver.
(foot reflexology chart - remember the feet are facing you - your liver/gallbladder points are almost all on the right foot - because almost all of your liver is on the right side of your body)
If it were me, I'd do another coffee enema after doing the 'mini flush' above (or ES)...but I'd wait at least an hour after taking either - and I'd definitely do 2 CEs tomorrow, no matter what.
Also (courtesy of Telman), here's a GREAT "gallbladder stretch" :)
Of course, ginger, fennel seed or peppermint tea is very soothing to the digestive tract and will help with the 'urps & burps' (and gas). Ginger helps with nausea, as you likely know ('hope you can get some soon).
I'm likely to be here till WAY past dawn, so if you need any more help I should be able to get back to you fairly quickly. Sending healing hugs ----> your way :)