Jethro Kloss
"Back to Eden" by Jethro Kloss.
I've used this book over the last 30 years. It has a remarkable amount of information regarding herbal medicine, natural foods and home remedies. Old and dated. I also have used "The Herb Book" by John Lust.
I've pretty much stopped using them for a few years. Your messages have confirmed my reasoning for moving away from these books.
There is more to healing myself than finding an herb or any one substance. It is a matter of formulation. I just can't figure out which herbs are complementary and which are contraindicative when used together. I've spent too much time and money in trying.
Is there a source of info, preferably on-line, where I can find this kind of information? I'm not looking to start a new career.
I've visited natural healers; but I find that they are somewhat weak in diagnosing. I think the problem is that I give them bias by my own self-diagnosis. I tell them up front that I am not good at self-diagnosis. Doesn't seem to matter. As long as I'm on my own, I would like more modern information. I'm sure much has been learned of herbs over the last 30 years.