Hi, I don't receive any notices that I have a message and just decided today to logon again. Like you, I have days that my hair seems thick and strong and others that it seems weak and is shedding again. Yesterday for instance I found all these hairs all over my jacket, it was so depressing. Today there is no shedding, I really cannot figure it out. I am still taking 1000 of the inositol combo...what is folligro, I never heard of this...is it working? What I would really like to do is find out WHY my hair is falling. I sense it might be thyroid but even though I am reluctantly taking the thyroid meds, it still keeps shedding. How do you test for candida and what are symptoms? Tell me again exactly your hair situation, when it started, how much loss, etcetc.... S. OH, additionally I have started that treatment with the vitamin B6 and zinc combo but have not done it regularly...there was a big writeup about this by CHRIS? on this site, what do you think of this???