Re: high prolactin
These substances that you mention suboxone, bromocriptine.
They sounds like drugs.
If they are then you would be 100 percent better off by not taking any of it.
Drugs only do a few things-
#1 They make you sicker because they are poison to the body
#2 They only hide the problem that they are prescribed to fix.
#3 They always cause other problems in addition to what they were intended to hide.
I once knew a chiropractor who would have his new patients bring in all their bottles of prescriptions to him.
They would hand them to him usually in a plastic bag and the Dr. would take the bag, turn and drop the bag full of prescriptions into the trash bucket and say "you won't be needing those anymore".
He said they almost always would give a sigh of relief.
Deep down they all knew that stuff wasn't any good for them.
Drugs are poisons.
Fortunately we have Curezone. Its about educating instead of medicating.