Re: Question on BSM, I just want to make sure I'm doing the right thing.
Hi curezonefan
Welcome to this forum.
Sure, you can use BSM alone. Read these testimonials
If BSM alone can be that beneficial, what do you think that the moreless alkalizing drink will do when you add even more different minerals?
As for daily amount of BSM to take, I don't know. But, how much bad sugar do people take? I guess it is a lot.
Replace all white sugar with BSM and it is already a big improvement.
As for the 'cleanse' see
I would fill my mineral reserves before doing one.
Read this thread A Closer Look At The Moreorless Drink.
--Beginning of quote--
A Closer Look At The Moreorless Drink. R by JohnnySmith 3 year
It appears that there is a lot of people who are confused as to the value of the Moreorless drink given all the negative publicity that has been directed towards it. Some have written off the Moreorless drink as the creation of a madman. Some have implied that the drink has no redeeming health value and if ingested by people could prove to be fatal.
So let us try to look at the individual ingredients of this drink with a "Scientific Eye" and see if there any is any validity to the claims of the naysayers.
The Moreorless Drink Consists of a pinch of epsom salts(commonly known as Magnesium Sulfate)
"Studies show these benefits from the major components of Epsom Salt may:
Ease stress and improves sleep and concentration
Help muscles and nerves function properly
Regulate activity of 325+ enzymes
Help prevent artery hardening and blood clots
Make insulin more effective
Reduce inflammation to relieve pain and muscle cramps
Improve oxygen use
Flush toxins
Improve absorption of nutrients
Help form joint proteins, brain tissue and mucin proteins
Help prevent or ease migraine headaches "
Source: (you can read about more benefits here).
The Moreorless Drink Consists of Apple Cider Vinegar
Rather than post all the numerous benefits individually, I will post chirontherainbowbridge's excellent post that nicely sums up the numerous benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar.
The Moreorless Drink Consists of BlackStrap Molasses
Again, rather than posting the numerous health benefits of blackstrap molasses, I will post two excellent threads that make reference to the many health benefits of BlackStrap Molasses.
oh and how about one more based on Molasses users experiences.
The Moreorless Drink consists of Calcium Hydroxide or Pickling Lime. This seems to be the one that the naysayers have a problem with referring to it as deadly for human consumption.
Of course, they fail to mention that CH or Pickling Lime have a long history of safe use in foods. Instead of repeating what chirontherainbowbridge's excellent post on this references, I will again post the link for reference.
The Moreorless Drink consists of Norwegian Kelp. Kelp is one of the most mineral and vitamin dense things out there.
Conclusion: Either way that you slice it; whether you believe that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts or the parts are greater than the whole based on the evidence presented, it is difficult to argue that the Moreorless Drink is unhealthy and dangerous. Let's not forget the positive
experiences that people have posted ingesting this drink. But I am sure our extremely argumentative naysayers will still try to discredit this post and find fault with Moreorless's drink.
--end of quote--
Good Luck and Cheers