Question on BSM, I just want to make sure I'm doing the right thing.
hello ML and everyone,
I've been reading this forum for a while now and I'm starting slowly to do the protocol. I haven't feel well for the past 3 years or so, countless tests, mri, ER visits, the results show im healthy, yet I don't feel well. My symptoms feel like I dont get enough nutrients, digestion problems, hungry often, my hunger come fast and almost feel like a low sugar feeling, lightheaded, feel weak and tire often.
I started to use Barefoot herbs about a month ago. I'm currently doing the following cleanse, bowel, parasite, kidney, pancrease, gall bladder, and liver(not liver flush, I don't think im able to do this since I can't fast).
I started to drink distilled water that I made from my newly bought distiller a few days ago. Since drinkin distilled water, I have to urine more often, day and night. I don't know what is the cause of this, does anyone have an idea?
I feel like im lack of some kind of minerals, that's why i feel weak a lot of times. I want to start using BSM to add the minerals to my body, but can i just take the BSM alone? How much a day to start out for a newbie? I already bought Wholesome BSM unsulphered from wholefoods.
Thank you everyone for your help.