Re: Blindness cause by fasting?
this is a a good resource for Natural Hygiene and has some distinguished members both qualified and lay.
My comments on this article...........
First of all not all Natural Hygienists agree amongst themselves on certain topics such as diet for example.
1. ENOUGH ENERGY: Dr. Fielder has described the improved results, and more complete healing, he is getting if he waits for the first cold to start, before allowing the patient to start fasting. An excellent time to start fasting may be when we have a cold (or acute disease). In acute disease we usually lose our appetite, and feel tired --- so actually the body itself tells us to "stop eating" and "go to bed".
I have every respect for Dr Fielder, but not all Hygienists will agree with his idea of beginning a fast only in the case of acute disease and the onset of a cold.
Better in allowing the fast to act as a prophylactic and prevent the accumulation of toxins, than allow an acute disease or a cold to develop. These are the thoughts of Dr Keki Sidhwa: the longest serving NH Doctor in the World and my own also.
2. NEW DRUG DANGERS: Dr. Bass has described the strange effects that new types of prescription drugs have caused in some of his patients while fasting, effects he has not seen before. E.g. extreme temperatures (from certain
Antibiotics ). Medical research is continually creating drugs that are stronger, more toxic and more dangerous. Dr. Fielder has published a list of drugs that can cause deaths while fasting, without warning. (Examples: the birth-control pill, cortisone, marijuana.)
I have yet to see or hear of any death caused by the elimination of toxic drugs during a fast. Perhaps it was meant by continuing with these medications while fasting, and not their discontinuation or withdrawal prior to the fast itself.
"In thousands of fasts ranging from a few days to sixty and even ninety days, no deaths have occurred that could be attributed to the fast. In every case, where an autopsy has been made, this has revealed an organic "disease" which would have resulted in death, with or without food. Dr. Dewey properly maintained, that if one's vitality is so nearly exhausted, or if a vital organ is so badly damaged, that death is near at hand, the result is absolutely certain, eating or fasting. Most people turn to fasting as a last resort, instead of the first resort. They turn to it after their bodies have been wrecked and ruined by years of wrong living, drugging and surgical operations. Under such circumstances we naturally expect that an occasional patient will die even while fasting. Honesty and fairness will not attribute death, under these conditions, to the fast".
3. TOXIC AIR DANGERS: Dr. Bass has described his and Dr. Cursio's observations that toxins in the air can kill migrating birds. Birds fast when migrating. Cursio observed migrating birds falling dead from the sky, when passing over New York. So, perhaps we better go to a place with pristine air while fasting.
Birds are birds and humans are humans: their susceptibility to impure air are different and where the the Law of Accomodation of poisons within the body has a different threshold.
One example: the use of tobacco. Humans have an immense capacity for retaining poisons and toxins within tobacco which endures for many years standing until the body succumbs to this onslaught.
Birds do not have the capacity that we do.
4. DEFICIENCY DANGERS: We have heard stories of people, who have have been so deficient that they suffered serious damage while fasting. E.g. brain damage (Alzheimers) in vegans, or damage to the eyes (blindness) in a vegetarian who didn't rest. (Bodies of vegans, & sometimes vegetarians, can be very deficient in fats & proteins.) Conclusion: Those who are deficient should never fast.
Is this so? Never heard of it.
We are all mostly deficient in one nutrient or another; in fact the whole human race is severely deficient in many varied nutrients with Vitamin D being just one example.
I was severely deficient in many nutrients before my fasts of 25 days and then 30 days but recovered my health from a serious and life-threatening disease.
Deficiency can be caused by malabsorption which is only corrected by fasting.
Anemia is also rectified via fasting.
Todays soils are mostly deficient in minerals and other life-enhancing nutrients compared to only 40 years ago, which is why I am a firm believer in quality supplementation, so if a fast becomes necessary the body can utilize a fast for healing and cleansing much more easily.
5. NOT A GOOD WEIGHT-LOSS TOOL: Drs. Fielder & Goldberg have been warning us repeatedly: Watch out for the "fasting and feasting syndrome"! (What is this? Sometimes people water-only-fast annually for weight-loss, but inbetween they feast, =over-eat on unhealthy foods, and gain lots of weight. A negative jo-jo effect.) Fasting must be followed by strict improved diet, otherwise you will gain weight quickly. After fasting the body has a more difficult time losing weight, has more efficient nutrient-uptake. If you cannot control your overeating, better not fast.
Totally agree.
6. TODAY FASTING IS MORE DIFFICULT: People are so toxic nowadays that ignorant fasting can be dangerous. Nowadays the blood of babies may contain hundreds of toxins. Even supervised fasting is more difficult than 50 years ago. It is usually safer for amateurs to go on a veggie juice diet or a raw diet, than to fast without professional supervision.
Better still to go on an
Elimination Diet of properly combined foods, followed by a juice feast, and then a water only fast if the need arises. This minimizes the symptoms of elimination and will reduce toxemia before the water fast.
These "stories" may just be that..........stories.
Perhaps this is a scare tactic to encourage people into supervised fasting and supervised fasting only.
I haven't been able to find anything relating to stories of this kind in my entire thirty years of study with NH and fasting generally.
There is no input because there isn't any.
Don't take my word for it either........ask Dr Fuhrman MD.