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sultanofswat Views: 1,956
Published: 16 y


I have a hernia in the groin area, diagnosed by the Doctor, who is recommending that I get surgery a.s.a.p.
My question is can a hernia in that area cause allot of pain and discomfort in the shaft of the penis and testicles? I explained to my Doctor about my pain and asked that he prescibe pain killers, but he refused to saying that the pain killers would do more harm than good. He feels strongly that the hernia could end up strangulating something and then a real emergency would be needed. I am in allot of pain, but have lost my job, and my insurance is only valid until this month. It's weird when I had insurance I never needed it, but now I am in need, and I don't have it. Go figure, I guess Murphy's Law applies here..Also, lastly HV, any recommendations you can make for alleviating pain? I need something strong!



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