I can believe in reincarnation. Anything is possible. Yet for some reason I don't think the higher beings want us to concentrate on reincarnation too much. I think they want us to keep moving forward and getting better, not to look back. I think the soul retains memories of past lives but not the brain. This may explain why people can't seem to recall past lives. This may not answer the questions you have but this is my thought on it. I know I must move forward in life, so I don't spend any time anymore thinking of reincarnation.
BTW, I have another question for you on your NDE, what did you come away on the thought of broken relationships? You mentioned to live a life of love, but what about when you have a volatile relationship with someone say like your parents. Do You think that gets "burned" up to be forgotten or do the Holy Scribes bring that up in life review? Also, did you feel you were in control of your experiences there, like you could turn on or off whatever you wanted?