Re: Iodine instead of antibiotics
Had an interesting experience today along these lines.
My bro-in-law started doing
Iodine after my sister took it up a year ago. She saw over time she did not get sick. And she has rug rats (grandkids, aka virus boxes) galore, running around.
My B-i-L mentioned today that my brother, a reasonably unreasonable, stuck in his ways fellow made a strong comment when B-i-L indicated he'd started doing
Iodine after my sister had such great fortune with it. He had just come through prostate cancer treatment and this would of course be important. So my real brother made a snappy negative comment about "oh, so you are doing that
Iodine thing too, why?" to which B-i-L answered back that he has not been sick since he started and that he saw that there was really something to it.
Sadly, my brother has a child that is really suffering medically. Asthma, massively overeats (kid is staring and is seeking nutrition through simple sugars like ice cream, candy, which he gets amazingly), and the kid is just overall not healthy. Badly overweight. 12 years old. Really sad to see this kid will have some serious medical issues until one day hopefully he will grow up enough to make decisions on his own. What am I saying... he already does.
Until then, the parent, my brother, is doing a huge disservice to the child by not having the slightest intellectual curiosity about things that other members of the family are experiencing results it. Breaks my heart. The kid is really in trouble. 12 years old, and he had to be removed from a baseball game because he was exhausted. The tragedy could not be more blatant, but the rationalizations are abundant about why.
The more amazing thing is my brother has the audacity to blame it on his wife's cultural upbringing. Asian. Jaw dropping rationalization, could not be more off base, and the child will incur serious repercussions for it. Already is....
If only it was as simple as iodine for sore throats Spuds. If only it was having a partially open mind... your daughter is lucky.