Hi splendor, read your text, thought this might help!!
Hi Splendor,
Surfer 27 here. I read your text and I empathize and sympathize with you. I too, have had the same, if not similar problems as you for the last 3 yrs, since January 2006. I just wanted to give you some encouragement and hope, in this hard time. Don't give up!! I know, you probably hear that all the time, but please, don't give up!!! There is hope around the corner!! You have to keep fighting this thing with everything you've got, believe me!!! I have had to do the same thing, just to make it through another day. I did come across this one website, through a google search engine, that you might want to check out. This might, or may not, help with your problems, but you won't know until you check it out and try the products. Type this in the Google Search Engine: miracle 2 ark. Once you do this and get into the results page, scroll down to the second site. It should say Miracle 2 Ark products. Below will be a website for it, saying something like geocities.com or something like that. Check out this testimonials page and also, check out the products. I was personally thinking of, ordering some the products there, 2 to be exact. The one, was a body soap and the other is a odor neutralizer gel. It's suppose to have about a concentration of about 3x more, than the liquid. You might, want to look into this and inform other people as well about this site, who may or may not have TMAU, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Rectum Odor Smells, Candidia, etc. The testimonial page seemed pretty promising, although I would still be hesitant, but hey, it doesn't hurt to check it out and inform other people who, may be struggling as well with
Body Odor s of all sorts. Hope, that this helps somewhat. Take care and God bless you. Bye for now.