Re: those that burn and are tormented forever.Numbers.
There are much within this total post’s string within the last few days…I’ll end my IMO with this post for reflection back to the “start“.
The 1/3 that follow satan within satan’s coup, coup d’état as satan’s attempt to become God’s Children’s god ?what? did God do, decide, rule with them? Remember..this “court” date , recorded , written in Ezek 28...and satan’s was the only spirit, child of GOD that was sentenced (at a future time..NOT YET) “to be turned to ashes from within and will be no more”. Satan has not a single choice to choose under a redeemer child or salvation from the lake of fire. in Rev that smoke will arises for ever as “smoke” the energy will not be a spirit any more …“blotted out of the book of Life” …as if they never had existences at any time …within that mind’s state of God‘s Children…”no tears will be…all tears will be dried up”. Satan’s soul, spirit (BY GOD’S ruling in HIS COURT) is now “mortal” (will die) NO eternal, immortal no approachable spirit for repentant (as God was fair within HIS dealings with HIS child, satan). . . What is my point…only satan was listed in the court of Ezek 28 by GOD. However some of God’s Children, sons of God, came down “directly” (not within the directive of God, God new Plan to bring a redemptive path) but always ALL WAYS interfering with that “freewill choice“ with another spirit, child of GOD) are this Gen 6 mind‘s set group from of old: and was not born into Flesh, woman (womb man) as is the case (being born in flesh) with the majority of God‘s Children being born into a flesh body. Exceptions are of Gen 6: these that did not partake of flesh (by their choice ..trying to pollute the seed that Emmanuel would come through.) are also court sentenced (past tense) book of Jude for a future death or under No acceptance as to an opportunity of a redeemed child or salvation (being saved) from the lake of fire. But least we also forget… the 2/3 that did not march …that 2/3 did NOT care the outcome of that coup attempt by satan and that “behind the back” coup planning (1/3)… Nor did they (2/3) come to the calling by God’s orders to stand with HIM as this coup battle (1/3) was starting, taking place… Their choice (2/3 of God’s Children if they would have stood would have ending fast this coup plan) but the 2/3 was to take “whosoever will” win… was the victor (Creator GOD, OUR FATHER or satan as their god). ONLY…ONLY…ONLY.. a remnant (small number of spirits, souls, GOD’s Children) stood with weapons to fight the 1/3. (my question to you reading right now)…? Folks or Children of God?… THE WAR IS NOT OVER..YET…choices are still being made…right…now…where are you..? Are you in TRUTH…maturing within the “if” choice…where is your spirit, soul ..going into WAR as to the two sides of this continuing war? GOD is still long suffering, not wanting any to perish and into that peace decision, not war with HIM. Freewill choice…opportunity’s door, Emmanuel gives redemption, immortality back to a spirit..“IF” they have a change of heart, mind.….a n d are sorry, repentant of their sins. Repentant means to love thy neighbor as thy self and VERY IMPORTANT TOO..NOT joining, organizing, planning a coup to have another. OTHER gods BEFORE HIM (as is satan’s coup’s plan & war still going on right now) but GOD is LOOKING, FINDING, working for victory and patience for those that ONLY worship THE ONE AND ONLY GOD, GOD THE CREATOR.
The question…. …what was GOD’S PLAN for basically 1/3 plus 2/3 =ALL HIS CHILDREN (except of the remnant who are predestined before the foundations of the earth age, flesh age with an immortal spirit …no need for a “freewill choice” they already done the choice…even they too were waiting for Jesus…as their walk in flesh caused (if not for Jesus) them to have sins unto death..but Jesus did not loose any of the remnant ) again what was GOD‘s PLANS to “salvation“, save HIS CHILDREN? And when did spirit children (GOD’S Children) have a mortal spirit sentence? (as liable to die spirit but with a “bridge back” to immortal or everlasting spirit, LIFE within an “if“ action? ).The sin did not start with each personal soul (God’s Children) with “adam and eve”…adam&eve was in a “start choice plan” for HIS Children an “if” decision flesh plan as the “Good and Bad choice” was there…but who do (we) follow listen too (also personally today) ? …again who? (..?And who are open for Salvation..“if” they choose to have a change of mind, spirit as to love thy neighbor as thy self and AND The Creation God, our Father as their only NO others gods? And who’s side will each spirit (Children of GOD) choose to join in this war…that ends or the end of redemption is right after the close of the Millennium. At which time satan is turned loose (out of the pit) just look at how many again will choose satan as their god and march against God and HIS Children that now stand…or standing..but but BUT including or adding to that “remnant” group (from long ago) and now with the “if they choose” to “belief”, believing new group personal nature’s choice within God’s encampment now serving HIM is now a new family of “love thy neighbor as thy self” and with God as their KING.
Children of GOD (born from above) …again ..where are the different spirits, God’s Children among this flesh age walk (living in flesh) that is very short (death comes fast in flesh) “where“ as too a public stand, a public cofession (Rom 10:9,10) (st John 3:16) of that LOVE of HIM as THEIR GOD? For God so loves His Children (of this flesh age, in this world) that HE came in flesh HIMSELF as Emmanuel (Heb 2:14) as HIS Children had done…and walked sinless (before this war started) and walks sinless (as Emmanuel in flesh) as now holding a testament deed, gift, grace of a death (without sin) now worthy is Emmanuel to open a door to HIS CHILDREN “IF” they “apply” HIS BLOOD, HIS WORK within the rules of Redemption to whosoever will believe on HIM, serve HIM as a love thy neighbor (and HIM) as thy self and have HIM as The ONE and ONLY GOD…standing with HIM now within peace, reconciliation (arms outstretch in a loving embrace to see you come home within this very long war so far ) and look as your fellow siblings are also rejoicing to see another return to them and the FATHER…they are rejoicing, glad to see you make a choice of peace with HIM, OUR FATHER..and peace with them also that stand with HIM.. .
This is simple (but NOT taught often..we come through Flesh once..and once only) because of the “traditions of men” as was the case within the teaching in John 3: as “born from above” was also the case with Nicodemius (who was the head of the university (down town Jerusalem) teaching the Old Testament Bible…he did NOT know what was going on either within FLESH) so what is new under the sun…or what do you see also as a basic flow of “what is what within all this“ spirit, flesh, war between satan and God…started within a coup by satan and satan is still battling and making plans daily ?
Peace…everlasting peace is my desire for your walk within flesh…this personal court room’s evaluation of HIS Children by a “voice” within to join HIM…within protection, responsibility of each spirit to do uprightly, as best we can in flesh, but looking at the overall of what is going on…..