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Re: The WAR WILL END personally ForEachPerson...that is a Promise
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Re: The WAR WILL END personally ForEachPerson...that is a Promise

As to God having been, being, and will be fair, “long suffering”, patience with us ALL (Rev 1:4,5). HE has an overall plan (s). That Plan started long ago (at the “overthrow“ attempt to kill God) …is still going on…and …least we forget…a future Millennial Plan. AS written (for a small slice of persons there, the first day of the millennial,) they that pierce Christ’s side are here (Rev 1:7) ?has that “knee bent“ as to who is KING ..IMO that‘s personal... between God and that soul. But at the end of the Millennial when satan is released from “the pit” (Rev 20:7,)..think..“look“…look how many of God’s children join sides (again) with satan to “overthrow” GOD.

Before all is done and over, before the Judgment Seat, “opportunities’ door” will have reached it final choice..with..ALL for eternal LIFE (Rev 21:) or OR OR eternal death. (Rev 20:11-15)(Ezek 28:18,19) We all …Need Personal Maturing within HIM as to this walk now, FLESH, and info available..and that info as to the1000year opportunities’ which is a part of God’s overall plan -too- for fairness. Will it be an easy walk then (1000years)..I don't think so...much easier right now...IMO.

Faith is the evidence of things not seen and “recon” to a personal belief within the info we have. Our information (good or bad) are maturing as to our belief…so our in a state of growth, maturing. If we work to build a strong foundation (which is… starting with Christ…Christ‘s Salvation) we can listen and build upon the info within HIS’ TOOLS & Materials & HOLY SPIRIT to build a strong dwelling within (personally) that can stand against the “wiles” of satan’s plans … satan’s wisdom to be a king, god. And (if we mature) also give us focus that God is fair, reasonable. “whosoever” will perish or will not perish as an “IF”, by personal choice? ?everlasting LIFE (not perishing) or ? ?fully destroyed (perish). Look up the word “perish” in an English dictionary or go back to the Greek word here. Either way it is an easy understanding within the chapter’s teaching that we are talking about a spirit that is to perish. (St John 3:)

Hopefully, confidently the growth, maturing is within THE TRUTH, a sold foundation, HIS WORDS within that PLAN (S). IMO the goals of HIS PLAN are…to love thy neighbor as thy self…and GOD as THE ONLY KING, GOD (a saving wisdom, WISE ONE, for all…but that choosing, the personal “IF“ action into a belief, practice daily (as best we can-in flesh-using the Tools HE GIVES as we mature) ).

The war will stop…peace is promised…and fairness is promised…”IF”…is a personal todo by each person but the “choice” is on a time line that will end. And then the Judgment is promised to all and for all to have peace... whosoever will perish or will not perish the “IF” is now, today …?choice?is personal but the time of action is best done ASAP IMO.


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