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Re: Strange stuff
jfh Views: 1,754
Published: 16 y
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Re: Strange stuff

For 39 years, I worked in the computer industry. First, it was called Electric Accounting Machines (EAM), then Data Processing, then Management Information Services (MIS), etc. Now called Information Technology (IT). Just to let you know that I have been through it all. ...since 1968.

One of my most important roles, of several, was business disaster recovery. Businesses cannot afford to loose their operations just because the data center goes offline. Needless to say that we paid external services a lot of money; just so I could take our backup tapes somewhere to restore and bring the data center up for remote processing.

If I had failed in any annual remote test by not having sufficient data, I would have been terminated and my reputation would be in ruins.

This is why it is inconceivable that someone would have "accidentally" written over the most valuable data in modern times.



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