Yeah only one problem. It was actual cold. It could have been swine flu or maybe just a strong common cold but it was a cold. I know the difference. When I stopped the fast I still had it. When I took the pallative medicine it disappeared but came back immideatly when i stopped it. Even so I can't take any risks. I work with people.
I'm not sure about you. But I don't like to come off like a wacko to people. I'm not going to go sick to work. What you call closed mind in my opinion is what I call common sense. Sadly despite the name it's not very common. You could do with a good dose of it.
I'm open minded but when I smell BS I smell it. I definitely know there is no evil Conspiracy to kill or harm me by taking vaccinations which are free. There is no economic benefit to kill off people.
Search up Christine Maggiore. Someone who reminds me of people like you.