hypoglycemia, grains and BED - please help
I have
Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome (for 10 years) with worst symptom being extreme reactive hypoglycemia - also diagnosed with having mycoplasma infection. I have followed BED strictly for 3 months with some good result, however I have been avoiding the grains because if I eat them without protein then my
Sugar crashes. After a month of good
Sugar I felt overly contracted and really wanted some grains. I have tried Buckwheat, Quinoa and amaranth and have crashed every time. Once I crash it is soooo hard to get back to level balance, with the result that i have had to get up to eat in the middle of the night for 14 nights in a row. Plus I have to eat all day every day and feel very weak.
I feel
colonics have helped enormously. I really wish though that I could eat chick peas on the diet as I find them a food that will hold my
Sugar balanced, make me feel satisfied, give me energy and not make me feel too heavy or stuck as I do if I have to eat animal foods all the time.
I would appreciate greatly any ideas.
Thank you