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Re: How can you live a social life while eating healthy?
SqueakyClean Views: 2,826
Published: 16 y
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Re: How can you live a social life while eating healthy?

Get menus for the places that your friends most commonly go. Figure out which of these places has items you can eat in good conscience, then suggest going there. Or, only accept when you are invited to one of these places - other times you can politely turn down the invitation.

For example, Ruby Tuesday has a pretty good salad bar, so you might go there. You might want to bring your own dressing when you go places, that shouldn't be too big of a deal.

Also, figure out what modifications you can make to turn an item into something acceptable. For example, at a pizza place, you could ask for a personal pizza to be topped with veggies and NO cheese. Obviously this is easier at nicer restaurants.

If some places have a few side items you can eat, order them for your meal. You can make an excuse about not being very hungry, or about how you particularly enjoy those items, if it makes you more comfortable.

Those are my suggestions.

P.S. Be careful, a lot of things are microwaved, you need to specifically ask. For example, "steamed" vegetables are commonly microwaved. Even if they were actually steamed that morning, they may be re-heated in the microwave right before serving. This applies to many items. I routinely ask if a specific item has EVER been put into a microwave, the server usually has to go in the back and ask.


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