Re: Agree, or disagree ?
That depends on 'who?' is saying 'what?' about 'which?' particular product.
On the whole, broadly speaking, and because I produce my own EIS using my own home made units...I disagree.
While this may be accepted or published of a particular makers product I don't believe it's indicative of any one product being any better, or worse, than another...particle size irrelevant.
It's my considered opinion that any colour from clear right on through to golden is fine for any purpose, ingestion included...again, particle size irrelevant.
I go so far as saying *any* colour solution is fine, so long as I don't observe *any* silver laying in the bottom of my containers as sediment after days/weeks or months in storage. *I* determine how I produce EIS (as opposed to the generator dictating to me) and *I* determine the dosage given or taken at any point in time given the circumstance in which I would use it.
Remember...what we produce using the means/methods and practices today is/are *NOT* the same as products distributed and handed out in days of old! and going on colloid chemistry literature *all* metals pass through this 'yellow' phase at some point, not just silver.