I am new to this site so any information would be greatly appreciated. I just noticed about a year ago that I grow long, dark hair under my chin (a few on my jawline), and the peach fuzz on my face has gotten thicker (that doesn't really bother me as much as the dark hairs.) I can't see them unless I look in a magnifying mirror, but I'm still self-concious about it. So I bought this thing called the Painless Tweeze which is supposed to be like electrolysis. I pluck them every week or so. I have some darker hairs on my upper lip, but nothing real noticeable to other people. Anyway, I don't want it to become worse. I've waxed and even attempted to shave- just once, that was a mistake.
But since I was about 17, I have been growing dark hair on my breasts. Mainly just on one, a few on the other. I used to just shave it, but that has become too psychologically damaging to me. So I used the painless tweeze to pluck it and that seems to be working well for me. I guess I'm just trying to put my mind at ease because I feel like I'm the only one who has this problem. There is nothing on the internet about it... at least nothing significant.