> I am new to this site so any information would be greatly
> appreciated.
You'll find lots of people here who've been addressing the problem in a number of different ways. In the end of the day, you'll have to decide which of those approaches works best for you.
> I just noticed about a year ago that I grow long, dark
> hair under my chin (a few on my jawline),
The upper lip and the chin area are the most likely areas to find thick dark hair on the face.
> and the peach fuzz on my face has gotten thicker (that
> doesn't really bother me as much as the dark hairs.) I
> can't see them unless I look in a magnifying mirror,
> but I'm still self-concious about it.
Probably means you have testosterone-fuelled growth of facial hair.
> So I bought this thing called the Painless Tweeze which
> is supposed to be like electrolysis. I pluck them every
> week or so.
These things don't generally get good reveiews and plucking/waxing, though it's fine for hair growth that isn't testosterone-fuelled can actually increase growth of testosterone-fuelled hair.
> I have some darker hairs on my upper lip, but nothing
> real noticeable to other people.
It's difficult to tell what other people will notice and what they won't. The problem is that when they see it against the light hair on the upper lip or chin is very obvious.
> Anyway, I don't want it to become worse. I've waxed
> and even attempted to shave- just once, that was a mistake.
I've been shaving every day since I was 15 -- and I'm now 50. It's never caused me any problems. But so much depends on how much growth you have and what sort of growth it is. Mine is coarse, heavy male-type growth, so shaving has been, for me, the perfect answer. Or as near a perfect answer as I reckon I'll find.
> But since I was about 17,
You don't actually mention how long ago that was.
>I have been growing dark
> hair on my breasts. Mainly just on one, a few on the
> other. I used to just shave it, but that has become
> too psychologically damaging to me. So I used the
> painless tweeze to pluck it and that seems to be
> working well for me.
I've never had hair on my breasts, though my legs, fingers and even toes have been extremely hairy. But from what I've read, hairy breasts are very common indeed.
> I guess I'm just trying to put my mind at ease
> because I feel like I'm the only one who has this
> problem. There is nothing on the internet about it...
> at least nothing significant.
Don't worry, you're not at all rare. I saw a figure the other day that 10% or all women remove facial hair at least twice a week. But I think that must include post-menopausal women. I've seen other figures to suggest that most women aged 15-45 remove facial hair approximately monthly and that dermatologists would regard a growth that required removal every 1 - 2 weeks as only slightly abnormal for a woman. And it's only when it has to be removed more than once a week that they would feel it really needs to be treated as abnormal.
There's actually plenty on the web once you figure out where to look. Try searching under "hirsutism" for a start. Anyway, I'm glad you've found this forum. Ask away with any questions you may have.