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Saw Palmetto - give it a try
sleepy_head Views: 28,317
Published: 20 y

Saw Palmetto - give it a try

I'm 26 years old & suffer with PCOS.
When I was 11 or 12, I started getting teased at school because I had a small amount of wispy dark hair on the side of my face.
I grew very self conscious of this and in an attempt to stop the teasing, I borrowed my dad's razor to shave the hair off. And everytime it grew back, I shaved it off again.
After 13+ years of doing this, you can imagine the state my face is in. As time went on, more hairs appeared in other places & these also got shaved off - making my facial hair spread to a larger area.
I'm now at the point where I shave daily down the sides of my face, on my chin & jawline, and on my neck. Being naturally dark haired, my stubble is very noticeable and I have a very unfeminine 5:00 shadow. Not to mention the soreness I get from dragging razors across my face so frequently.
I have tried "Aculight" in the past, which was a total waste of money. Creams and waxes do not work & only irritate my skin further.

I stumbled across this website a few weeks ago & read the postings on Saw Palmetto. To be honest, my initial thought was "How can a few herbal pills reverse years of razor abuse?". However, I was intrigued & decided to look Saw Palmetto up on the Holland & Barrett website, finding that it would cost less that £5 for 100 pills. I decided that anything was worth a try so I ordered some online.
I've been taking Saw Palmetto for just over a week now, the tablets are 450mg & you are supposed to take 2 tablets twice a day. I'll be honest, I have forgotten to take some doses - but I'm sure I'm starting to notice a difference. My stubble growth seems to be a lot slower at the moment, and also a bit softer. The 5:00 shadow doesn't seem so dark now either.
While I can't prove that Saw Palmetto is to thank for this, I am not taking any other medication that could be affecting this.
If anyone is wary of Saw Palmetto like I was, my advice was to just give it a try. You might be pleasantly surprised.

(I'll let you know how I progress with Saw Palmetto - you never know, I might be able to tell you soon that I'm completely hair free!!)



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