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does trimming make it worse?
ceejay Views: 11,922
Published: 20 y

does trimming make it worse?

I was just wondering if trimming facial hairs will make them worse (grow longer, darker, or more noticable). I don't have any coarse or dark facial hair (yet) and not a huge amount of the fine stuff, but enough where it can be noticable in certain lights. I have been trimming some of the longer hairs on my chin because my electrologist said plucking facial hair is bad and will only warp the follicle and make the hair grow back more coarse. But it seems like since i've been doing that I've been noticing it more...but it could just be my imagination or some other factor (I've been on the pill for almost four months now, although I was told that would slow down facial hair growth, not the opposite)...Any ideas anyone?


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