Re: Anyone use MMS for demodex mites?
Yes, I feel very confident that I have demodex mites. Im crazy about my skin care, everything ive been doing to combat
Acne hasnt worked. Now that I started treating my skin as if it has demodex mites (yes, I did have the symptoms) 5 days ago, ive had all the textbook reactions and dieoff. My skin has gone from absolutely horrific,not able to go in public-to almost perfectly clear in just five days. While this may just be an initial victory, I really, really hope this lasts!!
I have been flushing my liver every two weeks for months now. Ive cleaned my intestines,
parasite cleansed,turned vegan(no soy!!),etc,etc... so ive done my work there!!
Thanks for your answer and concern! : ) ~ eme
My new skin care consists of:
Bentonite masks,MMS externally,ponds cold cream,burt bees diaper rash cream ,sunbathing,borax/H202/H20. I do all of this every day.