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Re: Fingernails......Hello?!
Hveragerthi Views: 3,215
Published: 16 y
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Re: Fingernails......Hello?!

 So what's the difference if I fill a jug of water and put DE in it and let it sit in the frig [or the counter, whatever] while I drink from it all day OR if I put it in my 'water glass' in the morning and let it settle in the bottom as I refill the glass with water throughout the day? I mean, I'd have to refill my big 'water jug' every day anyhow ....

Is there a better way to get silica? Just curious.

Sorry I misunderstood you. I thought you were adding the silica to your glass to drink the silica powder in the water rather than letting it settle out. So there would be no difference.

That is actually the most efficient way to get silica. Since you are just doing a glass at a time you can add a little lemon juice to help convert the silica in to orthosilicic acid. This is not a good idea for larger volumes of water because the organic matter will allow molding if stored too long. 




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