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Re: Fingernails......Hello?!
Hveragerthi Views: 3,178
Published: 16 y
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Re: Fingernails......Hello?!

Taking DE like that will not be as effective as adding to a large volume of water, letting it settle out then drinking the water. Silica is very poorly absorbed, so taking a half or full teaspoon at one time will not increase absorption. It will only mean more passing right through the system. This is why I add a spoonful to a gallon of water. Then I let it settle out. The water will dissolve a tiny amount of the silica forming orthosilicic acid. The excess silica settle s to the bottom as a mud. I leave that there. Then I drink the water above the mud throughout the day. This allows me to absorb a small amount of the silica each time I take a drink. This will improve absorption even if stomach acid is low. As the water level goes down I add more water to dissolve a little more of the silica. Just keep repeating this process. A spoon full of silica will last several years. but I usually chance out the silica about every 6 months.

As for the injury, it is hard to say if the silica will help. It depends a lot on what you did. If you partially tore tendons and ligaments or stretched them then the silica can help. If you tore them completely through then only surgery will help. Though it sounds more like a nerve being compressed. This is pretty easy to fix usually if you have someone that known what they are doing. Do you have any good chiropractors in the area? If not look for a good massage therapist. They should be able to feel the the tight muscles and tendons easily and release them. If this is out then you can try working on it yourself. Prod around the shoulder and feel for swollen and tender muscles. Feel along the muscle and find where the muscles dip. Apply a medium pressure on these dips with a circular motion. You should feel the muscle relax after 20 to 30 seconds. Then move on to the next dip and repeat. Check the front and back of the shoulder. If you are having trouble lifting the arm also work on the muscles in the arm pit. If you lift your arm while doing this, it will tighten the muscle making it easier feel the dips, and to feel the release.

You don't need anywhere near a half a teaspoon of bitters. Since it works through a nerve stimulation, you only need to be able to taste it. A half a dropper full is sufficient for this, or about 1/8 to 1/4 of a teaspoon



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