Blame your liver for acne,facial hair n practically everything else..
Hey all you ppl who've self-diagnosed themselves esp sad girl to having not do that.
You see I too have mild
Acne ,hair-thinning and facial hair.Im almost 22 now.Till the age of 18-19,i dint have any of these problems.On the contrary i had a flawless complexion(did have facial hair though but t'was very soft,fine,light like a baby's hair...certianly dint look bad..looked very natural).I also had thick,silky hair and did not have acne,oily skin.I was also very healthy then..never used to fall sick n all.Also,i never did have perod-pains(taking a painkiller during my periods was unheard of in my circle of friends).My diet was a healthy one..lots of veggies..everything fresh from the market..fresh mutton,chicken once or twice a week..mostly fish n that too curried not fried.(was living in India then)Well get the picture...
I then left India for higher studies..went to da Gulf..N there ALL my problems began albeit gradually..You see out there everything that i started eating was either packaged,frozen,tinned,canned n everything had some kind of additive/preservative.Out there began my love saga with mortadella,honey-smoked ham,chips(yumm esp salt n vinegar pringles)I ate chips all the time which dint leave ne space for good ,healthy food(ie if ever there was some out there..)Anyways to cut a long story short,I first got the oily skin,then maybe one pimple then few others,then came the horrendous period pains(lived on painkillers during that time)then hair-thinning,then full -blown acne.Pls Note dat all this happened over a period of 2 years.Finally the jaundice n cholecystitis came..Ultra sonography revealed mild gallbladder-wall thickening but no stones.Also ultra sonography of Uterus n pelvis diagnosed everything as pcos.Hormonal tests(Progesterone,Testosterone,Prolactin,DHEAS etc) also were all normal.TFT was nomal too...
So The sonography shows that i dont have PCOS..Also im very thin..have difficulty putting on weight.The thing is just bcos v girls have symptoms of PCOS..that doesnt mean V have PCOS.Its all related to liver Function.It really is NO COINCIDENCE that when my diet was good ,My liver too was doing good n as a result i had great hair n skin.When my diet was unhealthy,My liver turned sluggish n subsequently my hair,skin worsened.NO..No Coincidence.definitly not.I am now doin alot of colon cleanses,liver flushes.(finished my first flush recently)Also i have returned to India(thank God for that)Resumed my former diet.Seeing results predictably..well what dya expect..Constipation beginning to appear normal.. ..Oiliness still there but the sebum has kinda thinned out.
Period pains are not so bad. i do know i have alot of cleansing to do esp LIver Flushes(To get cholecystitis ,one ought to have millions of stones i think)
Neways i better end..But do not give up hope ..i seriously believe that a toxic body is the culprit of everything usless one has some congenital defect..So all you ppl out there keep on cleansing.good luck n thanx for reading.