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Re: is it possible to cure my hair loss and facial hair?
  Views: 11,208
Published: 21 y
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Re: is it possible to cure my hair loss and facial hair?

The oily skin, hair receding at temples and crown and growth of dark facial hair all point to a hormonal cause. In particular an excess of free (i.e. "unbound") testosterone. Did they test you for "free" testosterone? Some can produce a lot of testosterone but also large amounts of the chemical that binds it and stops it having any effect.

It's still possible it might all settle down by itself, but you might care to have another hormonal work-up that would address specifically the question of free testosterone.

Check on Google for other signs of excess testosterone and if they're present in you draw them to the attention of the doctor.

Best to act now if signs of male pattern baldness are becoming evident.


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