Re: seriously considering the Truerife F-117
>> You liked the Rife Labs device better than the Perl (Bare/Rife) plasma device
I can't say that, I think the PERL is incredibly powerful much more than the EMX. But the EMX worked well once setup with a pulse. Very well, the main thing about moving from contact to EMX to PERL was mobility.
With a contact device you are really limited to hours spent but there are benefits to contact that one does NOT get with any other device. However a T2 for an hour a night can make up for that…somewhat…
So you move from contact to EMX to get to be able to shift around and lie down etc, then move to a PERL where you can actually work in your office and do stuff without being tied down, then on to the “Magic Bean” device which via subspace works on you while shopping :)
>>So now your using the F165 to power and control the ABPA A2 Advanced Bio-Photon Analyzer. And you say the sub space device works much better than anything you have tried.
Subspace has none of the limitations of a physical connection and is far more powerful but it isn’t the A2 but the Black Box SC1A best described here:
And yes, it is possible to setup an overnight scriipt and go to bed or in the case of sever infections like Hydatic Cysts or some other Microfilaria that constantly hatches once the adults are gone you can cycle all day while at work kind of thing.
I would say the F165 is the first thing to get as you can use it by its self as a pad device. Then later add on.
Yes but since the F165+Black Box is under $2k I would say go for it ASAP.
The GB 4000 is an impressive machine especially with its added amplifier.
I can't compare but I have written more than once that running with ONLY footpads and lets say B.Garinii I had full brain penetration...not sure how much more power is needed.
I am not sure a more powerful machine that forces past blockages is actually a good thing, at least my gut says no…that goes for those Coil machines as well. Keep in mind I have never used them just following my intuition here…