Re: If you are female - don't use a razor and shave!!!
Waxing, plucking and sugaring are all variations of pulling the hair out by the root which inevitably distorts the root and causes the regrowth to look even worse -- the hair doesn't lie the same way as its neighbors.
Waxing also makes electrolyis (spelled thus) very much more difficult.
Waxing, like electrolysis and laer treatment may work quite effectively for light growth and may totally destroy the hair roots. The problem comes when the hair growth is testosterone fuelled.
If the hair growth is of what might be described as approaching male proportions -- shaving at least once a week -- then the best answer for removal is a razor, which a survely of female dermatologists showed is what they used or would use themselves personally for removing any facial hair growth.
You won't make your problem worse by using a razor and shaving. But it will show more quickly than wazing.
For tackling the problem at source, for a growth which requires shaving once a week or more frequently, a hormonal approach is going to be needed and the excess testosterone counterbalanced or chemically bound.