Re: best article about urine therapy
Hi there
in answer to our question, which I beleve everyone grapples with in the beginning stages of our understanding...
QUOTE :But if these bodily substances are in the bloodstream originally, then why would the immune system "react appropriately" when they get back into the bloodstream after UT????
In simple terms...
It works in exactly the same way as antivenom for a smake bite.
ANTI VENOM Contains a minute dose of the venom from the type of snake that has bitten you or a synthetic replica.The bodies immune system is activated by the dose small enough not to overwhelm it , consequently it kicks in,and functions at its peak, thus eliminating the original LARGE dose in its wake..
If you have any sort of disease that has overwhlemed your bodies immune system, your urine will reflect that by an imbalance of certain elements that make up otherwise healthy urine. Ingesting this, forces your immune system into action to regulate the imbalance,
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