Re: Had to Quit UT Again
Hi Joe,
I have been using UT for many years, and have cured myself of lots of ailments, from ear infections, herpes, to most severe Bells Palsy..( I will post on this later )
I also have helped many of my friends, who are converted due to my own success and my 100% unshakable belief that UT is the ONLY way for REAL and permanant cure.
One of my friends has Severe psoriasia, and had a cortisone overload. WHen we first started ut, she had many negative reactions.
I suggested a foot bath.
We collected all her urine, and every evening heated it and she soaked her feet.It is only necessary to cover the soles with Urine. The effect was positive, since the urine actually draws accumulated toxins OUT and at the same time the skin absorbs just the right amount.
We then started with drops under the tongue, stopped if she again suffered too rapid detox, and kept up the footbaths.
Within a week, she was suitabley freed of the Cortisone poisioning, and we began an earnest programme that is till going on.
We use ONLY drops under the tongue , finding this to be the BEST considering all her health problems, allergies
food intolerances , digestive disturbances, and of course chronic
Psoriasis that covered 30% of her body .
Footbathingallows you more control , especially when over toxed as you are..
Let me know how you go.....