Re: Mo's world ain't so bad
When I heard MJ died, my first thought was murder. I don't know why. Now all say he was taking drugs and as I have wrote before an insomniac with money could be desperate enough to go that route but Allah knows best his mindset.
Many drugs not detectible so it would be possible to be murdered without detection. I know that personnaly. So why he did many things, can't go there as not in his head.
I will tell you that he was and is the king and he affected millions of lives including me. I grew up with him, sang with him an cried with him. Never judged him though. Cause if everyone judged me for everything wierd I ever did.
HEY WAIT, THEY DO THAT ALREADY, HEHEHE... You see no matter what a person does they are judged so why not just be who we are..... So if he wants to go to plastic surgeons, buy expensive clothes and give millions and millions away, hey, he can. He was in the guiness book of records as being the number one who gave more to charities then anyone. So in my books in 50 years he accomplished more than I could hope,
DSR, just thinking tonight, that I wish I had as many friends as he does. When I die, not really anyone who would care. There would be no memorial for sure and I can guraantee you no one would rite long articles about me. So ones legacy is by what is left behind and what one accomplished in his life. I still do the moonwalk and that is difficult.
Just my opinion as usual.