Mo's world ain't so bad
I was reading some post on the forum today and they were attacking another mod and mentioning some of the strict personal forums and he said and MO's. No more than that but the message was taken.
Hey, we are small but we are mighty. NO I am proud of being strange and strict. Don't need more stress than I already have. Different, well Hey I am an American convert to Islam living in Jordan alone with cats as my bed partners. So yes strange indeed. Proud, no not really. Poor, well yes, stupid, no way. Just because we spend 20 hours a day on our forums for free, does that give us rights to ban who we want to keep peace and harmony on the forum. Well to a point. We need to be considerate of others and try, but if it causes problems then hey, there is a ban button available.
Many have come and gone from the forums but I keep it simple and sweet. I like happy words, happy days and I love Michael Jackson. One guy wrote a nasty comment on my blog and told me to quit writing about him, and I said, "No way". Well the truth is the next couple days will be heavy Michael Jackson days and then after he is buried, well we will have to concentrate on others but for right now. It is Michael Jackson days in Mo's World.
Who is Mo, well that is me. Who was Mo123, that was my husband. He had an email with that user name and like Michael Jackson he died very suddenly. Like Michael Jackson he had thousand of friends and like Michael Jackson he like to sing. No, he could not dance very well. Heeee, but I can. I taught dancing when I was young so I always love to watch Michael Jackson. Yes, my son's name is Michael, so you see we are all in this together.
I have been real sad with his passing and very sad about my worms but very happy they are gone. I believe like most that things happen for a reason and I believe as many mourn his passing that they will see he chose Islam as did his brother Jermaine, and many more will follow. So in the end the death of Michael Jackson will benefit others.
So what is happening in Mo's world today, not much. Pretty tired and going to go eat some watermelon right now. Why am I going to do that? Cause I want to. Remember it is Mo's world all day long.